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Showing posts from March, 2013

Enriching Home Cleaning with Essential Oils

Connie Scheel, a two time cancer survivor enjoying remission today, believes she has enhanced her life and her health by choosing many complementary and alternative approaches for herself and her family. I've invited her to share some of her story below along with recipes for simple, effective, and cost-effective recipes for green and healthy cleaning products created with Young Living essential oils. She would enjoy hearing your feedback. Please leave comments. You may learn more about Connie and the Young Living oils by visiting her on her Facebook page -- Catalysts to Connie's Wellness.  Do you want it all when it comes to Spring cleaning? Perhaps quick, easy, inexpensive, pleasantly fresh smelling cleaning products that are anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-sept ic and anti-fungal without any harsh chemicals? Therapeutic grade essential oils offer all of this along with a boost to the immune system and mood. This may sound nerdy but I was really excited and r
Introduction to Reflexology:  May 5, 2013 10:00AM-5:00PM, UCSC  Call 459-2668 or Register online at  .  class size is limited. World Peace, Blessings and Many Thanks!

Front Yard Gardening... What We're Planning this Summer

(Photo from Front Yard Farmer website.) Front yard gardening has created quite a buzz and a stir in recent years. Some neighborhoods and communities have tried to stop homeowners from cultivating well maintained vegetable plants and berry bushes in their front yards (and sometimes the back yard, too) while nearby grass yards sometimes left to go to weeds and neglect, were considered quite acceptable. Seems rather a silly argument in the day when we are all looking for healthier options for our families. "Tennessee Home & Farm" (a publication for members of the TN Farm Bureau)  Spring 2013 issue featured front yard garden ideas. You too may visit the featured farmer's website/business . This really captured my attention. I believe you will be seeing a bit of this incorporated in our yard this year. While my herbs thrived quite well in the partial shade of our backyard, veggies didn't fare so well.  We were offered the option of a stake in a community garden, bu

Systematically Helping the Body Heal Itself through Reflexology

Foot Reflexology Tennent Technique™ addresses all the systems of the body by employing a unique sequence of pressure applications to the hand and foot reflexology pressure points. The sequence of a reflexology treatment by JoAnn is designed to follow the natural pathways that the body utilizes when flushing toxins in order to heal naturally. JoAnn’s Technique of Foot Reflexology begins with the reflex pressure points that refer directly to the spine—the taproot—where nerves connect to, muscle, organ and gland. Then systematic pressure is applied to the reflexology pressure points that correspond to the anatomy in the head—moving and clearing energy channels through the sense organs in the specific direction that they drain. The reflexology treatment proceeds to the endocrine system, using gravity, with the intent of draining for the purposes of detoxification. Attention is then given to the reflexology pressure points of the reproductive system. Foot Reflexolog

Green Facts -- Celebrating St. Patrick

This month of March at Footsteps in Eden Reflexology we have our focus on green -- green living, green celebrating, green facts, just plain green! It just seems appropriate for the month that celebrates St. Patrick. This blog post will share a few of the fun facts we've discovered about St. Patty, the Irish, and Clover. Our sole purpose for you to just ENJOY!! So as we celebrate green, the first interesting fact we're choosing to share: The actual color of St. Patrick is BLUE . GREEN became associated with St. Patrick's Day during the 19th century. Green, in Irish legends, was worn by fairies and immortals, and also by people to encourage their crops to grow. (Sounds a bit -- or maybe even a whole lot superstitious to me -- but a fun fact none-the-less.) In Chicago the Chicago River is dyed green for St. Patrick's Day (with green vegetable dye). Lucky Charms, a favorite cereal brand among many, young and old, was created in 1963, with its popular mascot, Lucky the Lepr
SINUSES.    Inhaling Thyme is Beneficial For The Sinuses, Along With Thyme Tea. And is Also Helped By Reflexology
LYCOPENE FOUND IN TOMATOES.    Lycopene Found in Tomatoes is Good  For  Prostate Health, Zine Found in Pumpkin Seeds is also Benificial For The Prostate. Not Smoking and Moderate Alcohol intake Ensures a Healthy Prostate.