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Showing posts from October 26, 2010

Reflexology Special Holiday Offers for November-December 2010

The fast approaching holidays, and the limited time available to be and do all we would like during the months of November and December, have had my mind in a spin. As moms and grandmothers and women in general, we take on the holidays with a vengeance. I'm not sure what we're looking for, except perhaps to recreate a memory or a dream we see in our hearts, and hope to experience too. I'm thinking of the ways to make our dreams realities while keeping our dispositions kind and our hearts loving. Anything less would spoil the effect. You're agreeing about now, right? :o) Here are a few of my thoughts on destressing the holidays for a happier, healthier, joyful celebration for all: 1. We all have so much. So, do most of those on our gift giving lists. I see so many things I would love to purchase for my children and grandchildren. It's challenging, but one a pray I'm up to: limiting my purchases to one well-chosen gift for each person. Being able to purchase gifts