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Showing posts from February, 2011

Onions for Cold & Flu Viruses?

There is a myth (and a circulating email) that states placing cut onions around your home helps ward off colds and flu. The myth has pretty much been debunked. However, you CAN help ward off and reduce your symptoms by EATING ONIONS. Onions are rich in antioxidants and have antiseptic and ant-inflammatory properties . It can dry your congested sinuses, reduce phlegm, and reduce your cough, among other healthful benefits. Eating onions raw is best, as it can quickly clear up some of that congestion. Mince the onion well, mix with honey, and eat a spoonful. You can also try making onion tea by adding a chopped onion to 3 cups of boiling water. (Feel free to add some honey to this as well). Allow the water

A Little Milk with your Antibiotics & Hormones?

Is there something wrong with this image? This is a great Care2 article by Delia Quigley. Learn why you should ditch the milk. Here's an excerpt: A recent article in the New York Times disclosed that the F.D.A. has questioned the illegal levels of antibiotics in commercial milk, while the dairy industry refuses to allow testing. Reporter William Newman wrote that despite the Food and Drug Administrations intention to begin testing for antibiotics in milk, sometime this month, the dairy industry claims that testing “could force farmers to needlessly dump millions of gallons of milk while they waited for test results.” ... ... milk from cows treated with rBGH contains more antibiotics, bovine growth hormone, more pus, and something even more dangerous, Insulin-Like Growth Factor or IGF-1, one of the most powerful growth hormones in the human body and naturally present in cows’ milk. The concern is over the presence of rBGH in a dairy cow’s blood, because it is known to stimulate

Super Foods For Energy & Weight Loss

Want or need to boost your energy? Besides... getting enough sleep (going to bed and getting up at consistent times), drinking plenty of water throughout the day (at least every two hours), maintaining a balanced, whole-food, plant-based diet with regular feedings - but not too much, avoiding excess stimulants (like caffeine and sugar) here are some other helpful energy boosters! (Whew, as if all the above wasn't enough, right?) Goji Berries High on my list of amazing super foods, goji berries pack a healthy punch as being one of the most nutritionally dense foods in the world, and they make a great snack! They contain a healthy balance and dose of both macro- and micro-nutrients, including a high-quality, plant-based complete protein content containing 18 amino acids (and all 8 essential amino acids) along with a rich source of antioxidants (including carotenes, beta-carotene, and zeaxanthin - great for eye health). Goji berries also contain up to 21 trace minerals, like zinc, ir