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Showing posts from February 20, 2009

Birds & Books with Lessons to Share

Bright little winter birds coming to feed, One takes a crumb, another a seed. Each takes a portion, according to need. Good little winter birds, teach us your creed! from MORNING IS A LITTLE CHILD by Joan Walsh Anglund So many reasons to share this little poem with you today...copyright in 1969, 40 years later it speaks volumes to the conditions we have created for ourselves and our world. Each of us focusing on our needs rather than our greedy and gluttonous appetites for every dazzling trinket we behold would conserve incredible resources for the generations to come. My daughter-in-law has recently blogged about " Children's Books as Heirlooms ." She photographed several of our treasured volumes. Thinking about our conversations surrounding that topic, I remembered this book, which was one of my daughter's very favorite. She had every beautiful verse memorized. I remember our discussions of this particular one and how God does meet our needs. When he gives us even