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Showing posts from March 13, 2008

Horton Hears a Who -- Horton Gets a Clue

WOW!!! That's the only word that came to my mind as I read through this incredible article -- plus an overwhelming sense of the Holy Spirit all over this one. "WHO" would have ever thought that Dr. Seuss in 1954 would be speaking prophetically to us today in 2008 -- over 50 years later. What I recognized immediately as a friendly children's flick appearing on the big screen all over America this weekend, has just become a "must see" moment in time. This is just more confirmation to me that it has been God speaking to me about using my reflexology skills and gifting in a pro-life center in my community. The contacts were made weeks ago. I now have a copy of a textbook on the subject of maternity and reflexology. When I learned of the book in early January, I had no idea it would take me over 2 months to actually obtain a copy -- especially in our instant gratification society. I'm also trusting the right doors will open for me to participate in a very sp