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Showing posts from July 16, 2010


I write these inspirations as they come to me, so they are totally my own thoughts and opinions, and not intended to offend in anyway. I have an elderly reflexology client, who is like a breath of fresh air to me. I do her feet once a week and each time I leave her, I feel enriched. She has taught me how life is just too short to sweat the small things! There are people all around us, all the time who can enrich our lives - even if it is just a once off encounter with someone. Whenever I meet somone new that jumps out at me, I ponder at the end of the day as to what that person has taught me. There are teachers around us all the time!


While we were driving in the car yesterday, I noticed that my 12 year old had piled foundation onto her face. It was all smeered in patches. I couldn't believe it. She is so worried about getting pimples and I said to her that this is one way she can now start to create them, by piling on foundation and clogging up her young pores with make up. My 4 year old responded by saying "Sissy doesn't have paws, only Milo our dog has them" - too sweet! My daughter has such a beautiful skin and I just think she should leave it alone while she is still so young. Gosh, I find it a pain to go through the whole cleaning process twice a day and at the age of 12 she doesn't need all that.


I haven't eaten red meat since I was about the age of 13. I went to a boarding school, where I am convinced that they served us the old donkeys that used to walk passed the school! It put me off terribly. I have never fed it to my children either, as I just feel we are healthier without it. A long time ago, I had a boyfriend who was a farmer. He insisted that I go with him to the abbatoirs one time and I have never forgotten that experience. The whole way to the abbatoir, the animals were very restless. When we got there, the animals that were on the truck wouldn't get off. They had to be forced. It broke my heart, not to mention the adrenaline that was pumping through them. They obviously knew what was going how can that not affect the meat we eat?!