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Showing posts from May, 2011

Patriotism on a Plate

"Patriotism on a Plate" is a must-see talk given by Robyn O'Brien that she presented at Tedx Austin 2011 . She shares her amazing journey with her own child's food allergies, her type-A personality to find out why so many of our children now have food allergies, why our food industry is affecting the health of our nation, and why organics cost so much. This is brilliant, informative, eye-opening, and inspiring to all of us to make big or little changes to move ourselves, our families, and our country, patriotically, into a healthier, happier, and more economically sound future.

Guest Post on Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis – What is it all about? By guest blogger: Jen Froggatt     If I was to say to you that hypnosis could help you relax and de-stress, you would think of watch being swayed side to side and being told, 'you are getting very sleepy', am I right? Well you couldn't be further from the truth. Although hypnotherapy is a relatively new therapy, many have been using it as a relaxation technique for years.   Hypnotherapy works by communicating with your subconscious mind, to help you overcome negative thought patterns which in turn helps you to relax. A qualified hypnotherapist will help you achieve a deeply relaxed state (different to sleep) before starting your hypnotherapy session so you can use your full imagination.  Many compare this state as being in a daydream.   Hypnosis for stress can be very effective because hypnotherapy can help alter your reactions to possible stressful situations. A hypnotherapist can change your thought pattern so when faced with these situa

Our Love-Hate Relationship with Sweets

Oh those sweets! We love them. We hate them. We love the taste of sweets. We love the feeling of sweetness in our mouths. In fact, we love the " feeling of sweetness ". Oh but the guilt that follows the bite down is enough to spoil that love affair with each swallow. I can hear it now... " this is bad for me, I will gain weight, my face will break out, where is my will power, this causes inflammation, this causes addiction, this causes disease ..!" * Gulp! * You just ate that, all that. The guilt is punishing enough to make you never eat another sweet again. That is, until the next bite tempts us. "Oh, hello my sweet love!" Sweet food is, for many of us, a love-hate relationship . We crave sweetness for many reasons. One reason people eat sweets is that we have become "programmed" unconsciously to do so. We have become mindless when it comes to putting something inside our bodies based on triggers that aren't the hunger triggers. How many t

New Science of Yoga Program

I f you're like me, if/when you started yoga you may have felt very confused by all the choices. Making sense of yoga and figuring out the right approach was, for me, frustrating to say the least. Then I found something that made all the difference in the world. It took the mystery out of yoga and gave me all the tools and guidance I needed to totally transform my health and my life ... What if there was a way for you to stop spinning your wheels too and finally start realizing all the great health benefits of yoga ... quickly and more easily than you even imagined? Well, I'm excited to tell you that now there is! Yogacharya, director of International Yogalayam, has just released his newest (and in my opinion, best) yoga home study program called The Science of Yoga . This one of a kind yoga training course just got released to the public today , and with the special offer on it for the next 72 hours , you really can't go wrong (there's even 3 excellent free bonuses in