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Showing posts from January 24, 2011


How many of us feel afraid often!?  But, once you overcome your fears, you feel such a sense of achievement and I know I then feel like I can conquer anything... A couple of weeks ago, my 5 year old learnt to keep himself afloat in the pool with a floating device.  He felt so proud of himself.  I was going on a business trip last week and got a gut feeling that it was time to set him free of his floating device and teach him to swim without it.  I took him into the water (with him clutching to my neck, he was petrified).  I took his arms off me and threw him into the water - and he swam!  Doggy paddle of course, but he was soooooooo proud of himself and I could just feel his sense of achievement and that he had overcome his fear - now I can't keep him out of the water!  DON'T ALLOW FEAR TO HOLD YOU BACK!