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Showing posts from April, 2012

Foot Reflexology and Liver Disease

From a client: "As a 29 year old woman, I have battled a genetic liver illness since I was nine month old. To this very day, my doctors do not have a confirmed diagnosis and there is no cure. To say that I am a medical mystery is an understatement. I have no words for the level of pain and agony that I endure during a relapse, which is characterized by severe jaundice and itching and debilitating fatigue. My mother has been a pioneer in helping me to find relief for my symptoms and overall illness. We have seen countless medical doctors and homeopaths and nothing seemed to work. But, my mother’s persistence paid off and she finally found my cure. That cure is JoAnn Tennent and her method of foot reflexology, the Tennent Technique. Everyone should add the Tennent Technique to their lives on a consistent basis as it provides a boost to all organ systems in the body. This practice is THE missing link between traditional Western medicine and those that follow a mind-body

Upcoming Reflexology Lecture and Workshops

Introduction to Reflexology: April 22, 2012 10:00AM-5:00PM, UCSC Call 459-2668 or Register online at . Class size is limited. Free Introduction to Reflexology Lecture and Workshop May 2, 2012 7:00-9:30PM Galleria Wellness Center, 740 Front St, Suite 250, Santa Cruz Hands on training for the respiratory system and sinuses. Cost: $25.00 for workshop. To register call Tennent Technique 831-423-6495. Class size is limited. Must register by April 30, 2012. World Peace, Blessings and Many Thanks!

Foot Reflexology and Diabetes

Foot Reflexology can be very beneficial for people with Diabetes. With numbness feet can be easily injured without awareness of foot pain. When the feet go numb, Foot Reflexology helps bring the feeling and circulation back. Foot Reflexology is not a cure, but including regular foot reflexology treatments into diabetic foot care can help to stabilize the symptoms. The sole of each foot and the palm of each hand, contain a reflexology map of the whole anatomy. Applying direct pressure to these specific points, may help the body heal itself by stimulating circulation, encouraging lymphatic drainage, assisting the elimination of toxins trapped in the tissues, and by bringing awareness to buried emotional stressors. The basic technique involves the use of the thumb and fingers to apply pressure to all of the reflexology pressure points. Reflexology treats the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances corresponding to all aspects of the human life. People
Reflexology In Sports, Reflexology can Help the marathron Runner, the hiker or any type of Sportsperson Perform better. They Suffer fewer injuries and Recover Quicker from sore or injured muscles. Reflex Points that assist, Lungs, Heart Chest- Deepens Breathing improves circulation Oxygenates the cells. Liver and Kidneys- Balance Blood Pressure. Adrenals- Produce Hormones for more energy. Spine-Improves Flexibility. Hip/Knee/Leg- Relaxes muscles.