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Showing posts from 2009

Surviving the Holidays

'Tis the Season to over-indulging, blood-sugar roller coaster rides, stress, and partying with a lot of viruses! It is a sure cocktail to feeling a little blue and bulgy. The good news is there are some strategies to help get you through the holidays. Drink plenty of water. Yes, water. Not just wine, cocktails, juice, coffee, tea, or other beverages. Water helps you to feel fuller and is the only drink that hydrates your body. This is also beneficial because winter tends to be very drying due to our heated homes. Try to drink some water at least every 2 hours. Have a healthy light snack before going out to dinner. Eat some fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, or seeds to partially fill your tummy with some nutrient dense food so you won't over eat on things that are less healthy. Eat Less. Watch your portion size when filling your plate. Intentionally leave some space on your plate and don't go back for seconds. Your body will thank you for this. Eat Slow. Take your time eatin


Do you want to know more about hand reflexology and when it is used? Hand reflexology is generally used when, for one reason or another, the feet cannot be accessed. It is believed that to work on the feet delivers a more powerful reflexology treatment but I have had some pretty profound moments working on the hands too. Not to mention how relaxing it can be for someone who uses their hands a lot in their working day. The feet may be inaccessible for many reasons, maybe the person is self-conscious of their feet or extremely ticklish. Perhaps the client has a form of infection, fungus or injury on the feet which prevents them from receiving a treatment. Perhaps the client is an amputee or there is restricted access to the feet where the legs cannot be raised. Or maybe it is a simple case of location and wanting to be discrete while delivering a treatment. The hands are easier to access in general as no covering needs to be removed and some people find it to be less invasive. The hands


Feet can be a strange concept and people I meet nearly always find it fascinating that I have taken it upon myself to work with feet. I often hear questions like; "What if the person is ticklish?", "Does reflexology hurt?" and "I don't like people looking at/touching my feet" Every reflexologist has their own unique way of touching, holding and working with the feet. These are my solutions. TICKLISH FEET: As somebody who initially was so ticklish I couldn't bear the thought of someone even looking at my feet, never mind touching them, I feel I am sufficiently equipped to explain how reflexology deals with this. I feel that trust is a massive factor when it comes to clients with ticklish feet. I have had a number of clients with ticklish feet and I generally found that the psychological outweighs the physical, in that, they were so in anticipation of the 'tickle' that they were feeling it before I had even touched them. Clients with tickli

The Power of Positive Affirmations

Hi Everyone, I thought this was a useful article to share, The Revolutionary Power of Affirmations Written by Scott Armstrong & Jafree Ozwald Affirmations are a simple, powerful way to transform your life. Anytime you choose to be in conscious control of your thoughts, you are taking the reigns back on what you determine to be reality. Whenever you say or think an affirmation that resonates deeply within your being, it becomes the framework that creates the world you see around you. By repeating special affirmations to yourself throughout the day, you are choosing to pave an inner highway towards manifesting the life you most want to have, instead of being run over by the life you are trying to avoid. "We cannot always control our thoughts, but we can control our words, and repetition impresses the subconscious, and we are then master of the situation." ~Florence Scovel Shinn Research has shown that we have between 45,000 and 51,000 thoughts a day. That’s


If you have been to any complementary health practitioners you may be familiar with the concept of needing to return for a certain number of treatments. The reason for this is, generally, unlike Western medicine where a prescription medication is designed to stop or suppress certain symptoms, the complementary approach is to kick-start your body's own innate healing mechanisms. In comparison to Western medicine this can sometimes be perceived by people as 'the hard way' but when successfully applied is also the most healthy and ideal path to wellness. Often with more chronic illness, over time medication starts to lose its effect and it is only then that it becomes apparent that restarting your body's own innate healing mechanism is paramount to your well-being. (In the case of illness always consult with your doctor first. It is also worth mentioning here that Reflexology is 'complementary' which means that it can be used safely alongside conventional Western t


Reflexology is a therapy that can be effectively used to help reduce stress, lower blood pressure, increase circulation and movement of lymph, helping you to detox and also helps to aid relaxation. The reflexologist works mainly with the feet, and occassionally with the hands and ears, massaging and stimulating certain points and sometimes meridians that correspond to and run through the main systems of the body. In essence, it is believed that the feet represent a microcosm of the body and all of its systems. These systems e.g. the circulatory system, lymphatic system, digestive system, nervous system etc. can be aided through reflexology in many ways. Increased circulation can mean that, on a cellular level, the organs of your body receive a larger amount of oxygen and nutrients and rid themselves more easily of toxins and waste. Increased circulation can also aid respiration, allowing a person to breathe more deeply and thereby relax. Increased lymphatic flow means that the body can

The Protein Question

We all need protein as it is an important building material for our cells. As parents, we are generally concerned about how much protein our children are getting and where they getting their protein from (especially if our kids eat little or no meat and dairy). Even though there is still much controversy over how much protein we need for health, experts have drastically lowered the out-dated requirements made under faulty influences and inaccurate study observations. The reality is: it is virtually impossible to not get enough protein in your diet if you are eating a diet of natural, unrefined foods. Currently experts are saying you need 2.5 – 10% of your calories as protein, preferably plant-based. The World Health Organization recommends you get 5% of your calories as protein (and 6% for pregnant women). Coincidentally, mother’s milk is 5.5% protein. Here are some tips to make sure you and your little ones are getting the right amount and right source of protein. Contrary to popular

Ruby Rose

It's Ruby Tuesday over at Work of the Poet . This is only my second time to participate, but really enjoy showing off my reds. And, even more, I love to visit the other Ruby Tuesday postings too. Always colorful and fun, and we may learn a few things along the way! Little difficult (okay -- a whole lot difficult) to read the label on the little bottle. So, I'll tell you, this is the most prized oil in the collection. It is rose oil. A couple of facts: It takes 2,000 pounds of fresh, hand picked, prime rose petals to yield 1 pound of pure Rose (Rosa damascena) essential oil. "The healing properties of the rose have been utilized throughout the ages and (rose) still plays an important role in the East. It has been used for digestive and menstrual problems, headaches and nervous tension, liver congestion, poor circulation, fever (plague), eye infections and skin complaints."*** ~~ Reference Guide for Essential Oils by Alan & Connie Higley "Rose has been used for

Blue Water - Blue Monday

Today is Labor Day. A day to rest from one's labors -- so they say. From "Alive!" that means no special health and wellness information in the post today, but be looking for a very special post for Ruby Tuesday tomorrow where you'll be able to learn much about highly prized Rose Essential Oil and its tremendous benefits for your well being. We've been spending lots of time with the family this weekend. All three of the grandbabies together is a real treat. So, I'm keeping it simple and sharing a few photos of the swimming adventures on Saturday for this Labor Day Blue Monday over at Smiling Sally's blog . The water was blue and chilly. You may discover a blue lip or two in the photos as well. Little Emerson has this opinion of the swimming pool most of the time. She also has a "shiner" from falling off the slide at Kids Day Out. Poor little Emmy. Before the afternoon was over her Daddy convinced Emerson to come into the water with him. She would

Reflexology for Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)... I'm asked about reflexology for this challenging condition so often....I'm thinking that I've posted about it a while back, too. Today I would like to share an article by one of my favorite fellow reflexologists, Amy Kreydin . You will find some very useful information here that, I pray, will lead you to consider reflexology for RLS if this is a challenge for you. Amy has a knack for getting right to the heart of the challenge, presenting the facts about it, and offering hope through her suggestions about reflexology (and other complementary therapies) that may be helpful as well. To learn more about reflexology's many benefits visit Footsteps In Eden . (Photo from Stock Vault )

Overcoming the Blues

Saturday I bought some beautiful sunflowers and some red flowers of which I'm uncertain of their identity. I'm always delighted with the colorful selection of beauty in Mr. Chandler's flower booth at our local farmers' market. These were no exception. I brought them home and chose to display them in my only blue vase (which is normally in the back of the top cabinet on the top shelf because, as you know, blue is not my favorite color). After all it would make a great post for Blue Monday hosted by Smiling Sally . Of course, with my passion for wellness and a blog that features suggestions for holistic health and wellness, I had to find a way to bring that in also. Consider these sunflowers would definitely be a sunny and uplifting spot in an otherwise BLUE day. The number of people suffering from the blues to mild or severe depression seems to be growing continuously. Perhaps it is our over committed lifestyles, relationship challenges, poor health, problems with the

Rescuing Orphans -- A Thankful Thrusday Offering

A heart of thankfulness and gratitude is a great measure of health and wellness to the body, mind, and spirit. Grace Alone host Thankful Thursdays . I have seen others posts for this meme, but have not posted there before -- I'm not sure I have even visited. That's my loss for sure. Today a post for Thankful Thursday caught my attention and I was drawn there to the theme of thankfulness with the thoughts of rescue in mind. I'm so glad I did. For those who have visited Alive! recently you know that my son and his wife are on an adoption journey to "rescue" two children from their very difficult circumstances in Ethiopia. We haven't met these precious children yet or even know who they are. What we do know is that there are 5 million orphans in Ethiopia because of an every growing HIV/Aids crisis, drought, & famine. While family is important to the Ethiopian people, these millions of children have no one left with the means to care for them. Two of them will

Essential Oils to Kill the Insects that Eat Your Plants

This is very exciting. Those of us that know the potential of essential oils have been aware of their potential to be an highly effective pesticide without the toxic effects to humans and animals and the environment. Now National Geographic is reporting it as news in their Green Guide. They are calling them "killer spices." I'll call them essential oils. The article refers to both. You may read the whole story here . This is such valuable information. Wonder what took them so long to figure this out? Cedarwood (discussed for many interesting reasons in a post a day or two ago) has long been used to line closets and chests to keep insects from eating their way through clothing, linens, etc. Citronella is sold in candles and sprays, which often contain other more toxic ingredients in their formula as well. Those are just two common ways essential oils from plants are used for the critter battle already. And without the side effects of the toxic chemical solutions. It makes

My Blues for Today

I've begun to make a habit of posting for Blue Monday over at Smiling Sally's blog . If you've read the few I've posted you know that blue is more of a challenge for me. Perhaps that is why I'm feeling an urge to continue to share with you in this venue. This week I spent a few days in the Nashville area visiting my son and his family. Of course, that includes my very special (and only) grandson, Isaac. Please notice that in our photo moment here he is wearing blue, and you see just a hint of the blue and green design that decorated my white tee. Also, note this is a very relaxed and happy gramma, too. It was a privilege while there to swap reflexology sessions with a fellow practitioner -- oh such a blessing for my own health & wellness & tranquility. And you know that subject is one for which I am passionate. Isaac's mom and dad have been diligently working to raise the funds needed for their adoption plans. You might enjoy reading (and following) thei

Quietude & Cedarwood - Places of Wisdom

"Quietude, which some men cannot abide because it reveals their inward poverty, is as a palace of cedar to the wise, for along its hallowed courts the King in his beauty deigns to walk." - Charles H. Spurgeon You may recall that King Solomon built the temple and his own palace of cedarwood. But do you know the aromatic influence of cedar's aromas besides being an enjoyable treat for the olfactory sense? In his book, Healing Oils of the Bible, Dr. David Stewart, Ph.D. says this about the aromatic influence of cedarwood: Solomon built his temple and palace out of the Cedars of Lebanon. Thus, his places to live, govern, and worship all had the vapors of cedarwood in the air. Cedarwood oil contains the highest concentrasion of sesquiterpenes of any known substance (98%). Sesquiterpenes oxygenate the brain and support clear thinking, which is what wise rulers need to have. Perhaps King Solomon was wiser than we thought. Perhaps he knew of the aromatherapeutic benefits of cedar

Massage Reports Multiple Benefits of Reflexology

Massage gives thumbs up to reflexology for multiple conditions among them sleep challenges, irritable bowel, depression, constipation, menopause symptoms, and side effects of chemotherapy. All of these reports are supported by research studies on with real people. These are health challenges that have been faced by many of my clients. Seeing first hand the benefits they have experienced from regular reflexology sessions (1-4 weeks apart), I was most excited to come upon this article and to be able to share it with you. For you or for a friend or loved one struggling in these areas, this article is worth the read. Looking for a reflexologist...well, if you're in the Memphis, TN area please give me a call. You'll find the number on my Footsteps In Eden website. Other areas of the country, the websites of Reflexology Association of America and the American Reflexology Certification Board contain referral lists by state. Photo from Stock Vault .

Look for the Tranquil Places Just at Hand

Susan at A Southern Daydreamer hosts Outdoor Wednesday. This is my first contribution, but I've seen many beautiful photos posted there. A trip around many of these may offer a few moments of tranquility in the midst of a busy day. Sitting at my kitchen table (sometimes with my laptop)the photo above is the view from my breakfast nook picture window. The setting (there's a park right behind our home) is a most relaxing spot to work and enjoy life at the same time. Blessings like this one, because it is so close at hand, often go unnoticed as we hurry through life. What are the little blessings around you today...the small spots of tranquility in your life...that if taken for granted may be missed so quickly and easily? Remember to stop by Susan's blog , leave a few comments, and take the time to smell the roses there.

My "Ruby" Sanctuary

The Ruby Tuesday carnival hosted by "Work of the Poet" has caught my attention as I've gone visiting so many new blogs out there. While participating in "Blue Monday" has been a sweet blessing, ruby is much more a color of choice in my surroundings (along with purple and gold and green and rust and black and even a touch of orange -- just imagine all of that together). Important to a great night's sleep is an inviting "sanctuary" calling out to you each evening. A couple of years ago after finding this great print for the bedspread, the reds were just calling out to be highlighted. A passionate ruby wall is framing our bed. The serenity of green grace the remaining walls. Now add the peaceful scents of lavendar, orange, sandalwood (to name a few you might experience here) and sleepytime music playing softly in the background, and I love the tropical paradise we've created. Usually a quite tranquil spot in which to retire for the evening. Lovin

Do you Believe a Tax on Sodas Would Help the Childhood Obesity Crisis?

Childhood obesity is a growing problem in the US. Does that disturb you? It certainly is scary when you think of all the health problems associated with the extra pounds, and these children will be at risk at a very early age. The figure is that about 30% of American kids fall into this category and the number is rising. Some of them are severely obese. Sadly, I remember as a child that the few fat kids were pretty much the object of other kids' jokes as well -- at the very least, they were not usually among the popular kids and rarely chosen for anyone's team. In this Washington Post article you can read about this growing problem and some initiatives being taken to address it . Another article in the Washington Post that came to my attention this week focuses on one aspect: SODAS! There are those who would like to place a stiff tax on sodas sweetened with sugar and high fructose corn syrup. While I'm not sure exactly what my opinion is of this idea, it might at least giv

Memories Stored in a Little Blue Box

My blue contribution to this week's Smiling Sally's Blue Monday . Blue is a always a challenge for me. Except for turquoise and the deep teals, my space doesn't come to life in the blue family. This photo, however, holds an especially fond "blue" memory. Sweet memories are balm to the soul. Before sharing a little explanation of its current use, and my sweet memory about this box, please allow me to digress for a paragraph here. It's all a part of the story. From previous posts you may know that my son and d-i-l are adopting two children from Ethiopia. The cost of adoption is quite high -- While most adoptive families are willing to make some enormous personal sacrifices to bring their children home, they just don't have big enough piggy banks to meet the financial requirements without help of family, friends, and even some they don't know. As a family we have some pretty creative fundraisers in the works. . . what you see here is just a glimpse of the

Spending Very Special Time with a Very Special Little Girl

Robin at Around the Island hosts Summer Stock Sunday. Sharing my special morning with sweet little granddaughter, Mikah. A pleasant summer day, Mikah and I enjoyed Thursday morning at the Memphis Zoo. Quite enlightening to take time to just "smell the roses" through the eyes of a child. Her 3 yr. old perspective always amazes and refreshes me! Mikah was a bit leary of the standing too close to the flowers. There were a few bees. The giant pandas were a must see. This one was taking a snooze while we visited him. What a rude host. Mikah doesn't seem to mind, though. Always looking for a playground with "monkey hangers" -- or just old fashioned monkey bars -- is a challenge. Mikah loves them! She thought this single bar was almost a monkey hanger. When asked her favorite part of our adventure, Mikah said she loved it when the sea lions splashed her. . . and splash her they did! After walking to all corners of the zoo for 2 1/2 hours, Mikah quieried me, "Gram

Prevention and Naturopathy Offer Another Option to the Healthcare Issue

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, or so the little saying goes. There may just be something to the ounce of prevention plan. So much controversy surrounds the healthcare issue. There is probably no one in this country that would say everything with our current health care system and the pharamaceutical companies and health insurance companies is AOK. Right now the pendelum seems to be swinging between the extremes. All the screaming at town hall meetings and the heated discussions on facebook and other social networking media makes for some interesting entertainment, but hasn't resolved much of how we will actually be taken care of. I for one am very concerned. Not knowing at all the future of healthcare availablity in our country is only one part of the issue. Whether healthcare is availabe or not, I believe that our health is something for which we must personally take responsibility. We eat the Standard American Diet, get little exercise except our fingers walking on the key

Special Joy In Blue!

Just for Blue Monday . . . we divert our attention for a moment from thoughts on health and wellness to precious people and things that grace my life. I believe that in the larger pic, faith, family, memories, and enjoyment of life are the greatest contributors to true health and wellness. So, here's my contribution today to Smiling Sally's Blue Monday . Just love this pic of my mischievous little granddaughter in her pretty blue Easter dress . . . this would not be a complete story, though, without pics of our other two precious little ones. . . one is wearing a spot of blue. Well, the other is spinning in her matching (to her sister's) purple confection. (These dresses were a real joy to create adding to my personal wellness quotient.) This little guy turned 1 on The Fourth of July. His family is on the adoption journey, and he will soon have siblings from Ethiopia. While visiting ALIVE!, look for more on their story.