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Showing posts from March 11, 2013

Systematically Helping the Body Heal Itself through Reflexology

Foot Reflexology Tennent Technique™ addresses all the systems of the body by employing a unique sequence of pressure applications to the hand and foot reflexology pressure points. The sequence of a reflexology treatment by JoAnn is designed to follow the natural pathways that the body utilizes when flushing toxins in order to heal naturally. JoAnn’s Technique of Foot Reflexology begins with the reflex pressure points that refer directly to the spine—the taproot—where nerves connect to, muscle, organ and gland. Then systematic pressure is applied to the reflexology pressure points that correspond to the anatomy in the head—moving and clearing energy channels through the sense organs in the specific direction that they drain. The reflexology treatment proceeds to the endocrine system, using gravity, with the intent of draining for the purposes of detoxification. Attention is then given to the reflexology pressure points of the reproductive system. Foot Reflexolog