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Showing posts from November 29, 2012

Destressing Your Holidays and Life

If you are looking to find peace this holiday season, and any and every other time, the words of wisdom from the HeartMath Institute go a long way. Here is a featured article by Doc Childre of HeartMath in Prevention with 5 simple yet powerful ways to transform your stress: Here are some excerpts: Release Frustration, Impatience, Irritation and Anxiety: When you feel impatient, stop and still your body and mind; then imagine you are breathing in the attitude of patience. If you feel anxiety, breathe the feeling of calm and inner balance... This resets your emotional system and stops the stress response.  Say No to Drama: ... become conscious of when you are preoccupied with excessive worry and drama. Then, when you sense drama coming on, try to slow down and take pause (again, be still in your body and your mind, just for a moment). Reduce Self-Judgement: Practice releasing judgments of yourself. Be easy on yourself. Try to connect to your heart, release your feelings of s