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Showing posts from March, 2011

Quantum Healing Video with Gregg Braden

I love the work Gregg Braden has offered our world. He has many wonderful books I would highly recommend, including "Divine Matrix" and "The Spontaneous Healing of Belief". Here is a great video Gregg has shared with us. In it you'll see actual footage of healing, documented in real time, of a bladder tumor disappearing, you'll see what affects our thoughts, prayers, and focused attention have on water crystals and the state of peace within the world. We can ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE on creating healing and peace within ourselves, our families, communities and our world. The power has been within us along.

New* Natural Face Lift Massage - Facial Rejuvenation

NEW *Natural Face Lift Massage - Facial Rejuvenation Now available with Loretta at Nurture Therapies (Created originally by Nahendra Mehta & Kundan Mehta This massage may provide one or more of the following benefits: *Lessens wrinkles and habitual expression lines *Releases tension in surrounding muscles *Reduces under-eye bags and puffiness *Tones and firms facial muscles *Tightens facial contours *Increases elasticity *Improves skin tone *Softens the skin *Refines pores *Enhances supply of nutrients to skin cells *Promotes better blood and lymphatic circulation *Frees constrictions in connective tissue and facial muscles *Encourages connective tissue to glide more smoothly *Increases elimination of toxins *Balances the body’s subtle energy *Generates a glowing look for days *Creates brighter and more alert eyes *Encourages innate beauty, confidence and radiance

Natural Remedies for Radiation and Toxic Overload

Natural Remedies for Radiation and Toxic Overload Here is a great Care2 article by Bridgitte Mars that will help our bodies, even without if we aren't in high radiation exposure areas... as we are constantly bombarded by toxins. Here's an excerpt: "The seed buckwheat is high in rutin, helps to protect against radiation and stimulates new bone marrow production. The mucilaginous fibers in seaweed (such as kelp, kombu, arame, nori, sea lettuce, dulse, wakame and hiziki ) help to prevent the reabsorption of radioactive strontium 90, barium, cadmium and radium by binding with them and carrying them out of the body. Sea vegetables are also high in natural iodine, which can load the thyroid, so that radiation is not absorbed. Eat two tablespoons daily for protection and be careful of overdoing. Be sure seaweeds are from clean waters like , or . Following the bombing of Nagasaki, a group of surviving macrobiotic doctors and their patients avoid

Helping Japan after Earthquake & Tsunami

Feeling compelled to help Japan in their time of need? The Global Giving Organization has set up a fund with a $2,000,000 goal to help provide relief aid. This project will disburse funds to organizations providing relief and emergency services to victims of the earthquake and tsunami. GlobalGiving is working with International Medical Corps, Save the Children, and other organizations on the ground. Click here to donate .

Ancient Cosmology: A Map of the Future?

Ancient Cosmology: A Map of the Future? | Issue Eight, March 2011 | Noetic Now | Institute of Noetic Sciences This is an amazing article of how the macro-cycles, cycles too large for us to experience individually, are more easily seen and understood by looking at the smaller cycles we are aware of. Simply brilliant and reassuring as we journey forward together on this planet.

Feeding Kids Fruits, Vegetables & Salads

Give kids a chance to like fresh, living foods. Beyond the regular finger foods of carrot and celery sticks, expose them to tasty salads. It's ok. Let them play with their food. The other night I served my 6-year-old some rice pasta and marinara sauce along with a small bowel of cabbage, carrot, and cilantro salad (no dressing). After only 2 bites of the pasta, she literally pushed her bowl aside and grabbed her bowl of salad. Gobbled it down and had 2 more helpings! This is now one of her favorites! "I could sing my mouth is so happy!" she told me. So how do you get kids to like more raw fruits, vegetables and salads? Expose them to the salad at high-hungry times (after physical activities, snack times, before meals). So what if they fill up before dinner... it's the best thing they can eat! Eat living salads yourself, and often (do as I do, not as I say) Make games of it: "Are you a rabbit?? Here's your munchy, crunchy meal!" Ask them intriguing quest