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Showing posts from February, 2008

Transitioning Kids to Living Foods

It is hard enough to get adults to eat enough fruits and vegetables, especially high-quality, raw ones. But anyone with a child knows that the task is much more challenging. Many parents worry about their toddlers who seem to eat very little. When they do eat, the foods of choice are not usually naturally colorful, fresh produce in large variety. And getting a school-aged child or teenager who is always on the go (and pressured by peers and the giant food marketing industry) to eat well seems like a very uphill battle. None-the-less, the value of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables and other naturally raw, nutritional foods are vital for not only the body, but for those growing minds and spirits too. Here are a few basic steps to begin the transition: 1. Transition Slowly. Slowly remove the more toxic & processed foods from their diet; 2. Replace processed foods with organic fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds; 3. Put healthy snack trays out in an accessible place for your child. S

Healthy Treat Ideas For Kids

Kids of all ages love raw vegetables when served with tasty dips. These may include hummus, veggie dips, whole milk yogurt, nut or seed butters, healthy salad dressings and more! Apples - (wedges, diced or whole) Asparagus – (spears, steamed) Bananas - (peeled, whole or sliced) Bell peppers (all colors - sliced long) Berries (all kinds!) (fresh or frozen) Broccoli – (florets, steamed or raw) Carrots – (sticks or rounds, steamed or raw) Cauliflower – (florets) Celery – (sticks with or without nut or seed butter) Cherry tomatoes – (whole or sliced) Cucumber – (sticks and rounds) Green beans – (ends removed, steamed or raw) Jicama – (slices and sticks) Mushrooms – (small whole, cube large) Napa cabbage –(leaves) Peas (raw, frozen, or steamed) Radishes – (whole or slice sides, “petals”) Raisins - (just they way the are) Sugar snap/Snow peas – (whole, slivers) Sweet Potatoes/Yams – (sticks, rounds) Yellow squash – (sticks and rounds) Zucchini – (sticks and rounds) Want a fun meal with your

What Experts Are Saying About Children's Health

Why should we be concerned about children's health? Check out wht some experts are saying, and then know we can be a positve force in making a healthy change for our kids and ourselves! The US Surgeon General now ranks being overweight and obesity as the #1 public health concern. The disease consequences of obesity are greater than those of any infectious disease epidemic. Dr. William Sears: “We are eating factory processed nutrition which is genetically unknown food to our bodies.” Experts say: Approximately 70% of disease is directly related to what we eat and drink. Dr. David Katz : “This generation of kids growing up today will be the first generation to have a shorter life span than their parents.” Cancer kills more children than any other disease. Gale encyclopedia of Children & adolescents, 1998. Children at the age of 3 have fatty deposits in their arteries. Bogalusa Heart Study By age 12, 70% of all American children have developed beginning stages of hardening of th

Katie & Fear

This is one of my favorite "Works" of Katie. So many of us experience Fear. But is it real? And what are we putting ourselves through? Check out this amazing discovery directed by Bryon "Katie".

Bryon Katie and Cancer

I love Bryon Katie! "Katie" has an amazing gift to share with us. She helps reveal a truth inside of us that brings us peace and ease. The Work is actually a logical process in which the mind can walk itself out of stress. See the clips below for examples of her work. For more on Katie's great work, visit her website directly: Check out this heart-touching work dealing with "cancer". If you like that, you probably will love her book: Loving What Is . Don't you love it?

Raw Food Facts

Of all the species of life on earth throughout history, only one alters it from its original raw state. No wonder why our species experiences more diseases than all other species combined. The SAD diet includes on average about 5,000 artificial additives each year. Raw broccoli contains just about as much calcium as whole milk and is linked to lower cancer risks.

Simple, Live Food

Simplicity can be easily be found in food, however complex our grocery stores, restaurants, food advertisements, and kitchens have become. All we need to do is look back to nature. We remind ourselves where we and our food came from, and it wasn't a brightly colored, shrink-wrapped container. Nature has provided humans and animals life as long as we've been here: before fire, farms, and factories. In it's raw form, food is more nutritious and life-giving than, obviously, its processed and cooked counterpart. Why eat Live Food? Because of the laws of nature that say: * Things produce after their own kind; * From Life only can Life be created; * We are what we eat The concept is simple. Live food creates a live body, dead food creates a dead body. Our bodies were designed to be fueled by live, organic foods. They are rich in nutrients, enzymes and life energy. When cooked, processed or altered in other ways, food nutrients, enzymes and constituents become damaged and our

Living Food (Raw Food)

Living Food (Raw Food) Why choose living foods? Live (Raw) contain more life (more enzymes your body needs to digest so it doesn't have to deplete other resources, more vitamins, minerals and nutrients, and more vital life energy to name a few). Is a Twinkie, sausage, or donut grow when you plant it in the ground? Can a cooked apple re-grow itself? Nope. But I have a whole seedling patio garden started from the seeds of the fresh, live food I eat. That is life force. (So I actually haven't tried to plant donut, but I would be amazed if a donut tree sprouted up!) There is a wealth of information on Raw and Living foods in books and on the internet. I hope to touch base just a bit more here, but if you are at all interested check out the other links and resources on the subject. I am not here to judge an eating, health or any lifestyle practice someone else has. I think it is important to enjoy, approve and be happy with our own individual lives . And if this lifestyle could be p

Beautiful Trail to Indoor Fresh Air

Just a click on the above photo brings you to a world of beautiful products. Enjoy clean air in your home -- breathe easier and healthier -- with Himalayna Salt lamps from Solay. They're small and compact, fit in even the smallest places. Purify a whole room or just your personal space -- especially wonderful around your computer, and so much more. Learn more today. You'll want one of these unique treasures for every room. Wonderful find.

What is Your Dream?

What are your dreams? If time, resources, and fear of failure was not an issue what would you do with your life? Have you taken the time and prayed for God's dreams for your life? Having traveled the path she expresses in this devotional, I felt compelled to share today. Renee Swope addresses the questions above in THE REAL ME. While the road we travel is not always easy, knowing who we are in Him and His dreams for our lives as He empowers us to touch others in very intentional and practical ways gives us purpose and direction. We may come to realize that we are able to like ourselves for who we really are -- the life that Jesus' sees, and the Jesus' others see in us. That is most freeing. SURVEY QUESTION: What is your dream? Are you living it? Do you know who you are, and especially who you are in Jesus?

Lush Meadows and Drink from Quiet Pools

Surrounded by so much chaos . . . stress and frustrations on the left and on the right . . . in front and rear too . . . take the time to sit . . . and rest . . . focusing your eyes on the one who securely holds your hand . . . perhaps meditate on the words penned by a famous shepherd . . . they may tickle sweet emotions long forgotten . . . speak soothing life to your parched spirit . . . If these words of the 23rd Psalm sound a little different, they are . . . smile! Take a fresh look . . . From THE MESSAGE -- Psalm 23 GOD, my shepherd! I don't need a thing. You have bedded me down in lush meadows; you find me quiet pools to drink from. True to your word, you let me catch my breath and send me in the right direction. Even when the way goes through Death Valley, I'm not afraid when you walk at my side. Your trusty shepherd's crook makes me feel secure. You serve me a six-course dinner right in front of my enemies. You revive my drooping head; my cup brims with blessing.

Migraines Helped Through Reflexology -- Study from Denmark

Please click the headline above for the complete story from Sylvia Carlson. The results from this Danish research indicate that an astounding 81% of those in the study reported being helped by this therapy. Many even believed it was their cure. Migraine sufferers, that's worth checking out!!!! Was I one of those unfortunate enough to suffer the debilitating pain of migraines and even if I didn't know much about reflexology, after reading this article I feel rather certain I would give reflexology a chance. Also, I love visitors. Stop by my reflexology site, too.

Why Do We Expect God to Bless America?

Everyday in America we here someone somewhere asking, "God Bless America!" I'm wondering why it is we expect Him to do that. The craziness circus (in my opinion) of an election year that is well underway . . . A happy and blessed nation would do well to heed and follow Godly Biblical views on a number of the BIG issues. Where do the candidates stand on that? I'm not one to wish to debate politics on this blog (And I won't! Don't even think about posting political ads -- They'll be rejected). I'd love to hear comments on "Why this is our expectation in the light of the way we treat God?" What I pray that we would see as a nation is the respect and blessing we withhold from the God who has blessed us with way more than we'll ever deserve. The following passage from Malachi speaks to us today, as well. . . and "NO" it's not just about money. It is about repentance and seeking HIM and serving HIM. It's ALL HIS!! It's ALL

Is There Mercury in Your Mascara?

So, what is in your mascara anyway? Mercury is not often listed as an ingredient (or it's disguised as something else) on the labels. When this article came across my desktop this morning I was very upset. I was even more upset when I visited the SkinDeep website to look at mascaras listed there. Whether or not the 400 or so mascaras I found contain mercury, I really do not know. What I do know is that all but a very few fell into the moderate to high concern groups. Many of them rated 6-8 on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest level of concern to the consumer. Now you may have already guessed that I would have a product to share with you that falls in the safer "green" (0-2 concern level) section of the SkinDeep database. Pictured above is the miessence® mascara . This product was in the safest 3% of all mascaras listed. WOW!! I'm certainly thankful that is what is going on my eyelashes these days -- at least on the days I really do add a little enhancement t
Puffy eyebags and dark circles . . . is this your plague? Yesterday while running around the blog world my interested was piqued by suggestions for puffy eye remedies. What "magic tricks" do you think I happened upon? 1. Coffee Grounds 2. Egg Yolk Paste 3. Bag of Marbles 4. None of the Above Yes, pretty silly, to be sure. Please don't attempt any of those things at home. I'm not sure what the outcome might be. "None of the Above" is, of course, the correct answer. What I have learned is that slices of organic cucumber over your eyes are very refreshing. Green tea bags (wet ones to be sure) may offer some real benefits in this area. You might enjoy watching a video demonstration of these on Fran's blog . Also, I read about doing Yoga shoulder stands, working up to being able to do this about 3 minutes per day as an excellent preventative for puffy eyes. All that said, I'd like to bring another option to your attention. This one is not home made, but

Sweet Honey in My Mouth

Others often see us in a much different light then we see ourselves. My usual thoughts when someone compliments me as an encourager is to think that while I give it my best, I feel very inadequate to make any difference. That's certainly not truth, and not very impressive "self talk" either. (You may look for more on that topic in an earlier post.) The TRUTH is without Jesus that is exactly what our lives are: INADEQUATE!!! That was pointedly addressed in my quiet time this morning. Another TRUTH is because of JESUS, when our trust is in Him, WE ARE ADEQUATE -- PERFECTLY ADEQUATE. No accident I'm certain, that this quote appeared on my computer screen via email just minutes later. Let its message bring sweet words of encouragement for you today. The name of Jesus is in my mind as a joyful song, in my ear a heavenly music, and in my mouth a sweet honey. -- Richard Rolle