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Showing posts from November 6, 2011

Footsteps In Eden Birthday Brings Blessings for You

It's November. That means a season of Thanksgiving and a birthday for us. We are very thankful for ALL of you, and would like to challenge you to share some of your favorite things about reflexology and other natural health and wellness topics. Footsteps In Eden Reflexology turned 4 on November 1st, and we'll be celebrating by giving you opportunities throughout the month to do just that. Be watching for questions and posts, which ask you to participate. You may comment here on the blog or on Facebook . Your answers must be specific and pertinent to the question asked. You'll see as we go along. Thanksgiving Day we'll choose a winner of a fun pack of relaxation goodies. If you're not in the Memphis area, but in the Continental U.S., we invite you to join in the fun. If you win we will send it to you. (In the Memphis area, please plan to come by and pick it up if you are the winner. :-)  Watch for first opportunity tomorrow, Monday, November 7, 2011. Here's