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THE BENEFITS OF COCONUT OIL. For your Health it is of Great Benefit to take Coconut oil, Good for all Conditions, advised by Dr Evelyn Lyle, of the Natural Medicine Clinic.

Ancient Healing Art of Relexology Continues in the Present

Reflexology is an ancient technique of applying pressure to reflex points of the feet and hands. This ancient healing art has been traced back to ancient China. Archeologists have found stone-carved stone reflexology charts of Buddha’s feet dating to around 40 B.C. For more background on the history of reflexology see Sokushin Do History.    Foot reflexology later traveled to Japan during the Tang dynasty and spread in other parts of Asia such as present day Korea and Thailand. Egyptian hieroglyphics discovered in the tomb of Ankhmahor, a ka-priest from 2400 BC, depict a foot and hand reflexology treatment in progress. Foot Reflexology became part of mainstream medical therapy in India, and flourished in European countries such as Germany where the course of study is comparable to that of a medical physician. Reflexology eventually found its way to America and was popularized when Eunice Ingham published her best-selling book, "Stories The Feet Can Tel

Your Treasure Pocket Purchase Creates Treasure for Kids

Discover a way to make a little spot of your gift giving count for the kids at St. Jude Children's Hospital. Today there are a limited number of Treasure Pockets available. All the proceeds will be used to purchase art supplies for the kids at Target House. Keep reading to learn all about these little treasures and Target House. A word about Target House..... The children's artwork is beautifully displayed and a major acitivity for the children at Target House, a home away from home for families whose children are receiving treatment at St. Jude in Memphis, TN. Their masterpieces add a most wonderful touch, and always bring an extra smile to my face during my monthly visits. A word about the Treasure Pockets...... These treasure pockets are one-of-a-kind fabric art creations -- no two designs/fabric combinations have ever been the same. Over the last few years I have sold them with proceeds benefiting a few different causes. Originally created with the idea in mind that they

Destressing Your Holidays and Life

If you are looking to find peace this holiday season, and any and every other time, the words of wisdom from the HeartMath Institute go a long way. Here is a featured article by Doc Childre of HeartMath in Prevention with 5 simple yet powerful ways to transform your stress: Here are some excerpts: Release Frustration, Impatience, Irritation and Anxiety: When you feel impatient, stop and still your body and mind; then imagine you are breathing in the attitude of patience. If you feel anxiety, breathe the feeling of calm and inner balance... This resets your emotional system and stops the stress response.  Say No to Drama: ... become conscious of when you are preoccupied with excessive worry and drama. Then, when you sense drama coming on, try to slow down and take pause (again, be still in your body and your mind, just for a moment). Reduce Self-Judgement: Practice releasing judgments of yourself. Be easy on yourself. Try to connect to your heart, release your feelings of s

Reflexology for Hormonal Balancing

“Regular reflexology treatments with JoAnn Tennent, has helped with my hormonal imbalance due to menopause. My life has become much more calm and tolerable.” World Peace, Blessings and Many Thanks!

Gifting Fun with our Reflexology Clients

We've loaded the gifts on our "sleigh." Footsteps in Eden Reflexology is ready for some gift giving fun! Our clients are so special, and we would like to treat everyone of you who takes the time for reflexology between now and Christmas. Adding to the enjoyment, we've made it a game, too. Think those little rubber duckies at the carnival. The children choose one and the number on the bottom corresponds to the prize. We'll be doing that with the ornaments on our Christmas Schefflera. Yep, that's what we're decorating! The cute and sparkly footprint ornament will be yours to keep. Each one will have a number on the back to indicate your special gift. We have a bunch!!! Their values? From a dollar or two to a Gift Certificate for a one hour reflexology session (value $65). And lots and lots in between. Like to know something even better? Every visit to Footsteps In Eden between now and Christmas means another gift for you. If you visit every week, you'

Reflexology Eases Cancer Symptoms

Foot massage. (Credit: © Vladimir Sazonov / Fotolia) Just in from Science Daily: Reflexology: Ancient Foot Massage Technique May Ease Cancer Symptoms ScienceDaily (Nov. 13, 2012) — A study led by a Michigan State University researcher offers the strongest evidence yet that reflexology -- a type of specialized foot massage practiced since the age of pharaohs -- can help cancer patients manage their symptoms and perform daily tasks... "It's always been assumed that it's a nice comfort measure, but to this point we really have not, in a rigorous way, documented the benefits," Wyatt said. "This is the first step toward moving a complementary therapy from fringe care to mainstream care."  ...They found that those in the reflexology group experienced significantly less shortness of breath, a common symptom in breast cancer patients. Perhaps as a result of their improved breathing, they also were better able to perform daily tasks such as climbing a fligh

Pay Attention to Foot Pain NOT Associated with Recent Injury or Trauma

Foot pain, foot tenderness, and foot numbness may indicate an imbalance in one or more of the body’s systems related to the associated foot reflexology pressure points. A map of these associated foot reflexology pressure points may be found in foot reflexology charts. For example: foot pain in the sole of the foot may be associated with improper diet. A diet high in refined sugar may cause an imbalance in the endocrine system including the adrenal glands. Foot Reflexology is effective in addressing this type of foot pain. Similarly, foot reflexology can be effective in relieving foot pain related to imbalances including toxic exposure, emotional trauma, suppressed immunity and organ function, etc.  (See Reflexology Testimonials) Foot pain, whether or not associated with a foot injury, is a message from the body that deserves attention. Foot reflexology can help in deciphering the message, investigating the underlying cause, and treating the imbalance.

Reflexology for Liver Health

Testimonial- “My daughter was born with a congenital condition that blocked the bile duct of her liver. She was severely jaundiced for 21 years. During her first reflexology treatment with JoAnn, the whites of my daughter’s eyes suddenly cleared for the first time in her life. Now my daughter has decided to study reflexology.”

November Events

Introduction to Reflexology: November 17, 2012 10:00AM-5:00PM, UCSC  Call 459-2668 or Register online at  . Class size is limited. Lecture Self help with Reflexology for stress November 6, 2012 7:30-9:00  Way Of Life lecture series 464-4113 World Peace, Blessings and Many Thanks!

Foot Pain Associated with a Foot Injury or Trauma

Foot pain, foot tenderness, and foot numbness may indicate an imbalance in one or more of the body’s systems related to a recent or chronic foot injury or trauma. For example: foot pain in the arches may be associated with muscular strain due to improper footwear. Footwear may cause an imbalance in the muscular-skeletal and nervous systems connected to the foot itself. Foot Reflexology is effective with this type of foot pain. Similarly, foot reflexology can be effective in relieving foot pain related to imbalances including stubbed toes, decreased circulation, swelling and recovery from foot surgery, etc. (See Reflexology Testimonials) World Peace, Blessings and Many Thanks

Reflexology for Fall Allergies

It's Fall! In this reflexologist /writer's humble opinion, the most beautiful season of the year. Many of  you would agree. It's also a season of sneezing, dripping sinuses, itchy eyes, stuffy nose, etc, due to seasonal allergies. Sure does put a damper on enjoying the beautiful sunny and crisp autumn days. What triggers these Fall allergies and where do you turn for relief? While many medications are available to treat the symptoms of allergy challenges, the root cause of those symptoms are not addressed by the meds.  Web MD says the following about those root causes and triggers of Fall allergies: Male plants release tiny cells called pollen into the air in order to reproduce. When these pollen or other allergy triggers get into the noses of certain people, their immune system mistakenly sees them as foreign invaders and releases antibodies -- substances that normally identify and go after bacteria, viruses, and other illness-causing organisms. The antibodies attack
BREAST DISORDERS.    Tension Inhibts the Healthy Formation of Breast Tissue, As this Causes the Breasts from Absorbing Essential Nutrients to Function Healthily. Negative Emotions and Feelings Cause Congestion and Inflammation in Breast Tissue Causing Disease. The Central Nervous System, The Endocrine Glands and the Liver Reflexes Along with The Lymphatic System are Stimulated to Promote Healing.
WOMENS , REFLEXLOLOGY  DAY.   Ok Ladys, How About  Having a Reflexology Treatment   with your friends Either in your Home or There's ,PERFECT COMBINATION.  Max 6 People in a Group.

Foot Pain from Flip Flops

From a client- “I damaged the arches of both feet after hiking in flip-flops. I could hardly walk afterwards because the foot pain was so great. The podiatrist couldn’t help me. As a last resort I tried reflexology. One reflexology treatment removed the foot pain, and subsequent sessions later helped with the pain of my scoliosis.”

neck massage

How to Massage the basic "neck massage". Learn and practice by yourself easily with 10 people on the basic core. Helps reduce neck muscle fatigue. Relieve sprains, falls from bed pillows. Headache relief. Oh Little stimulate circulation. Balance of hormones. Prompting systems. Example viable and effective relief from stress. The basic Massage - Massage the neck position 1 "neck compression". Reduce headache. Relieve sprains, falls from bed pillows. • How was the massage, the massage chair or sit on the floor. The massage was massage the back of the stand. The left hand held at shoulder. Then place your right hand on the neck. Squeeze the muscles of the neck down to the neck. By the weight of a finger. The basic Massage - Massage neck posture second "press the neck". Reduce headaches and neck pain. Relieve sprains, falls from bed pillows. • How was the massage, the massage chair or sit on the floor. The massage was massage the back of the stand. The left ha

face massage

How to Massage the basic "massage". Learn and practice at their own 12 on the basic  massage   face   . Health beauty and relaxation. Lets face bright. Tighten the facial muscles. Allows blood to flow around the face as well. The basic Massage - massage port 1 "knock-cheek". Helps blood flow better facial skin bright strengthen facial muscles. • How to massage the massage was lying flat on the floor or couch. The head pillow. Massage or to be massaged by a lie flat recline lap pillow for the head. I close my eyes and indulge in a massage. A massage with fingers except the thumb and four fingers on the chin and knocked four alternates. Chased through the cheek to the ear. Tap Tap rhythm like a typewriter keyboard. The switch, then switch to a new cheek, repeat. Before the Quaid to you. The basic Massage - massage port 2 "stroke the cheek". Helps blood flow better facial skin bright strengthen facial muscles. • How to massage the massage was lying flat on th
CANCER.    Fear and Anxiety About Cancer can be Helped By Reflexology. Reflexology Can Keep the Sick Person Calmer and more Relaxed Which Aids in their Recovery. It Can Speed up the Recovery Process after major Surgery and make Recovery more Comfortable, Along with a Positive State of mind and Faith in Their Ability to Get Well, Every Organ and Gland in the Body is Stimulated to Improve nerve and Blood Flow, To Balance Hormones and Cleanse the Blood of Impurities and Improve Circulation and Energy Flow.

massage and foot reflexology yourself 16-34

For a basic foot massage and foot reflexology yourself, part 2/2. Collected at the initial point for the press to learn and practice on their own. Since it's 16-34. ► how to massage and foot reflexology with an initial plan to port 16. At this point, a foot reflexology center. This point is related to the location of the pancreas, which affects the hormone insulin. (Hormone sensitive and albumin. A group of cells within the pancreas. The pancreas is an organ located in the abdomen behind the stomach. In addition to producing the hormone insulin. The pancreas also produces digestive juices and other hormones as well. Starchy foods and sugar is absorbed from the intestine into the bloodstream, it stimulates the pancreas to secrete insulin. Cells throughout the body have insulin receptors on cell membranes. This will stimulate the movement of glucose from the blood into the cells) to reduce the risk of diabetes. If the patient is then able to relieve the symptoms of diabetes. • How re