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Showing posts from April 30, 2010

Choosing a Reflexologist

There are only a few reflexologists in the Memphis area. There are several more massage therapists and massage venues that are now offering reflexology. The prices run the course from $29 to $100 for one session. What will you get for your dollars, and how do you choose (no matter where you live)? First and foremost, reflexology is not foot massage. While a reflexologist may include some massage techniques, it is not the main focus of his or her work. Once heard reflexology described by another reflexologist as a "moving accupressure." That's not a very scientific definition, but it certainly gives you a clearer picture of the work being done. A recent article at featured reflexology as an effective, drug-free, non-invasive way of reducing tension. Based on the premise that all organs, glands, and parts of your body are mirrored on your feet, reflexology uses very specific touch therapy techniques applied to the feet, encouraging all body systems toward gr