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Showing posts from April, 2010

Choosing a Reflexologist

There are only a few reflexologists in the Memphis area. There are several more massage therapists and massage venues that are now offering reflexology. The prices run the course from $29 to $100 for one session. What will you get for your dollars, and how do you choose (no matter where you live)? First and foremost, reflexology is not foot massage. While a reflexologist may include some massage techniques, it is not the main focus of his or her work. Once heard reflexology described by another reflexologist as a "moving accupressure." That's not a very scientific definition, but it certainly gives you a clearer picture of the work being done. A recent article at featured reflexology as an effective, drug-free, non-invasive way of reducing tension. Based on the premise that all organs, glands, and parts of your body are mirrored on your feet, reflexology uses very specific touch therapy techniques applied to the feet, encouraging all body systems toward gr

Reiki Level 1 Workshop

Reiki 1 May 22/23rd 2010 As the world around us is ever changing we also need to adjust and recognise who we are and adapt to our environment. Take this opportunity to grow spiritually and boost your ability to cope with the ever increasing demands of the heart, mind, body and soul as we move in our new directions on this Earth. Your Reiki workshop provides tools and techniques to help you with the following: -Self healing & treating others with Reiki -Take positive action and responsibility for yourself -To focus & clarify your goals & ambitions -Reduce stress & promote positivity -Help realise your own self worth -Understand your energy, awareness & enhance spiritual growth Date: Saturday 22nd & Sunday 23rd May Time: 9:45am-16:30pm approx Location: 55 Rock Road, Blackrock, Co. Dublin Investment: €250 (Can be paid in installments) *Please forward a deposit of €50 to ensure a place is reserved for you. A minimum of at least 3 Reiki Healing sessions on a weekly/f

Spring Cleansing - Helping Raise Funds for a Special Family's Adoption Journey

It's Spring, and cleansing has been a topic on my mind a great deal recently. Thinking of the healthy version for the body first, but it led me to thinking of Spring Cleaning as a cleansing of the home environment. Bookstores have lots of shelf space and titles dedicated to decluttering your life. Feng Shui experts tell us that clutter has a significant (negative) effect on the way we experience life. Stuff that we don't absolutely love or need just gets in our way. Stuff getting in our way is reminding me right now of a reality show I've seen a few times where people have this horrible disease of hoarding. Their lives are so effected that many of them can barely function. At the same time, they have such a difficult time even beginning to let go of any of it. Sometimes I believe any of us could get to that point if we don't make a conscientious point of regularly removing clutter from our surroundings. So time to Spring Clean!!! Will you haul that "stuff" t

Royal Blue Bloods - Facts About Colloidial Silver

Did you know? Members of royalty were called bluebloods due to the silver content in their blood and the blueness of their skin. When eating the royalty used almost exclusively silver plates, bowls and utensils. They essentially digested large particles of silver over an extended period of time, which created a permanent discoloration of the skin, due to the excessive silver deposits. This condition is known today as Argyria. The mineral known as silver has been used for healing purposes and for treating diseases as far back in recorded time as 4000 B.C. Eastern Persian records specifically mention the practice of placing water in silver vessels, and the ancient Babylonian and Greek civilizations were fully aware of silver's ability to disinfect. Colloidal Silver was in common use until 1938, and had proven itself to be useful against 650 different infectious diseases, but was very costly to produce at that time. Today, advanced technology provides us with electro-colloidal sol