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Showing posts from February 6, 2008

Migraines Helped Through Reflexology -- Study from Denmark

Please click the headline above for the complete story from Sylvia Carlson. The results from this Danish research indicate that an astounding 81% of those in the study reported being helped by this therapy. Many even believed it was their cure. Migraine sufferers, that's worth checking out!!!! Was I one of those unfortunate enough to suffer the debilitating pain of migraines and even if I didn't know much about reflexology, after reading this article I feel rather certain I would give reflexology a chance. Also, I love visitors. Stop by my reflexology site, too.

Why Do We Expect God to Bless America?

Everyday in America we here someone somewhere asking, "God Bless America!" I'm wondering why it is we expect Him to do that. The craziness circus (in my opinion) of an election year that is well underway . . . A happy and blessed nation would do well to heed and follow Godly Biblical views on a number of the BIG issues. Where do the candidates stand on that? I'm not one to wish to debate politics on this blog (And I won't! Don't even think about posting political ads -- They'll be rejected). I'd love to hear comments on "Why this is our expectation in the light of the way we treat God?" What I pray that we would see as a nation is the respect and blessing we withhold from the God who has blessed us with way more than we'll ever deserve. The following passage from Malachi speaks to us today, as well. . . and "NO" it's not just about money. It is about repentance and seeking HIM and serving HIM. It's ALL HIS!! It's ALL

Is There Mercury in Your Mascara?

So, what is in your mascara anyway? Mercury is not often listed as an ingredient (or it's disguised as something else) on the labels. When this article came across my desktop this morning I was very upset. I was even more upset when I visited the SkinDeep website to look at mascaras listed there. Whether or not the 400 or so mascaras I found contain mercury, I really do not know. What I do know is that all but a very few fell into the moderate to high concern groups. Many of them rated 6-8 on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest level of concern to the consumer. Now you may have already guessed that I would have a product to share with you that falls in the safer "green" (0-2 concern level) section of the SkinDeep database. Pictured above is the miessence® mascara . This product was in the safest 3% of all mascaras listed. WOW!! I'm certainly thankful that is what is going on my eyelashes these days -- at least on the days I really do add a little enhancement t