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Showing posts from July, 2010

About Nurture Therapies

Nurture Therapies is a Complementary Therapy & You Can Heal Your Life Workshop (based on philosophy of Louise L. Hay) practice run by Loretta Whelan . Loretta is a member of the National Register of Reflexologists of Ireland NRRI ; Irish Massage Therapy Association IMTA ; Reiki Association of Ireland RAI and is a licenced and certified Heal Your Life Workshop facilitator (based on philosophy of Louise L. Hay). The imagery used on the website, fliers and business cards have many meanings. The thought processes behind the visuals & animation on the website shows the power of nature & mother earth, ancient wisdom of the tree as it moves through the seasons deepening its roots, the power of the still of night , lush fertile grass, womb in the hill, guidance from the heavens and the stars, feminine energy of the moon, calmness of the relaxing blue colours & flow of water showing infinity. The rainbow heart symbol represents the essence of life itself and without its energ

Contact Loretta

Loretta Whelan mNRRI, mIMTA, mRAI 087-1267427


I truly believe in the power of listening to animals for messages. While walking in the mountains last week, I came across 3 deer. It was so special. When I came home, I looked up in my animal book to see what the meaning of seeing deer is, this is what it said "Gentleness and Innocence - Gentle Luring to New Adventure". This is so appropriate for where I am at in my life right now, I am about to embark on a new business adventure. Take note of the animals that cross your path........


INGREDIENTS: 1 cup nasturtium leaves finely shredded 1 cup nasturtium flowers 1 avocado 1 cup thin slices of cucumber 1 cup thinly sliced celery 1 cup cooled green peas 3/4 cup grated white cheddar cheese seasoning to taste 2 tablespoons honey juice of 2 lemons 2 tablespoons olive oil METHOD: Mix honey, lemon juice, oil and seasoning in a bottle and shake well. Mix all the other ingredients except the flowers, which are used to decorate the salad. Before eating, pour the dressing over the salad. YUMMY!


I write these inspirations as they come to me, so they are totally my own thoughts and opinions, and not intended to offend in anyway. I have an elderly reflexology client, who is like a breath of fresh air to me. I do her feet once a week and each time I leave her, I feel enriched. She has taught me how life is just too short to sweat the small things! There are people all around us, all the time who can enrich our lives - even if it is just a once off encounter with someone. Whenever I meet somone new that jumps out at me, I ponder at the end of the day as to what that person has taught me. There are teachers around us all the time!


While we were driving in the car yesterday, I noticed that my 12 year old had piled foundation onto her face. It was all smeered in patches. I couldn't believe it. She is so worried about getting pimples and I said to her that this is one way she can now start to create them, by piling on foundation and clogging up her young pores with make up. My 4 year old responded by saying "Sissy doesn't have paws, only Milo our dog has them" - too sweet! My daughter has such a beautiful skin and I just think she should leave it alone while she is still so young. Gosh, I find it a pain to go through the whole cleaning process twice a day and at the age of 12 she doesn't need all that.


I haven't eaten red meat since I was about the age of 13. I went to a boarding school, where I am convinced that they served us the old donkeys that used to walk passed the school! It put me off terribly. I have never fed it to my children either, as I just feel we are healthier without it. A long time ago, I had a boyfriend who was a farmer. He insisted that I go with him to the abbatoirs one time and I have never forgotten that experience. The whole way to the abbatoir, the animals were very restless. When we got there, the animals that were on the truck wouldn't get off. They had to be forced. It broke my heart, not to mention the adrenaline that was pumping through them. They obviously knew what was going how can that not affect the meat we eat?!


Did you know that eating nasturtium leaves takes away a sore throat. I will never have a garden without growing nasturtium leaves and everytime I feel a tickle in my throat, I pick a few leaves, wash them and chow them down. They taste a little burny, but well worth the reward of taking away a sore throat, instead of taking medication or antibiotics. Nasturtiums are a natural antibiotic. You can also make a yummy nasturtium salad with the leaves and the flowers.


I am fanatical about reading the ingredients on food labels and on cosmetics. I actually can't pick up anything that I buy without looking at the ingredients. It can tell you so much about a product. There are so many ingredients that are harmful and we should be aware of them.


I believe that children need to be nutured and given an all-round holistic approach to life. Reading uplifting books to them that make them feel good about themselves from a young age will surely produce a well-balanced, confident human being.


I can just see my friends laughing when they read this. I thought I'd throw in a little lightness amidst all the seriousness! I love my red wine. I find it is very therapeutic to start the cooking of the evening meal, just as the sun is going down and crack open a bottle of red wine. I am very fortunate to live in a country where our wine is really good. I am surrounded by beautiful wine farms and so drinking bad wine is out of the question. IT IS GOOD FOR THE HEART TOO!


To create peace on the planet we need to ignore our differences and concentrate on our oneness as human beings. We can include "The Great Invocation" (a prayer done by the United Nations), in our mediatations and daily thoughts and in this way we will raise the consciousness of the entire human race. "THE GREAT INVOCATION" "From the point of light within the Mind of God Let light stream forth into the minds of men. Let light descend on Earth. From the point of Love within the Heart of God Let love stream forth into the hearts of men. May Christ return to Earth. From the centre where the Will of God is known Let purpose guide the little wills of men- The purpose which the Masters know and serve. From the centre which we call the race of men Let the Plan of Love and Light work out And may it seal the door where evil dwells. Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth."


Do you ever have days when you find yourself unexpectedly and unplanned in a beautiful place? I had one yesterday. I decided to climb the mountain behind my house, which I have never done since I have lived here in 3 years! I have only ever climbed the mountain to the side of us! WOW - I came across the most beautiful rain-filled dam, a deck and picnic table. The view from there was incredible. I was right on top of the mountain, overlooking the ocean and even saw a whale jumping! It is whale season in our little town right now and all the moms have come to have their babies in our waters- such a priviledge. Such a treat to suddenly discover this most beautiful place right behind my house. I felt like I wanted to shout out to the world to come and share it with me. It certainly lifted my spirits.

Chocolate: Is it Good For Us?

Most of us will agree that chocolate is incredibly delicious and a favorite treat. But whether chocolate (or raw cacao) is good for us is a question many experts have yet to agree on. Some say it is the best food ever -- chock full of antioxidants, magnesium, and other great nutrients -- giving it a place high on the ladder of the ultimate super foods list. On the flip side, opponents say chocolate is addictive and contains chemicals, contaminants, additives and poisons that should keep this substance out of our diet entirely. So what is the answer to the question of whether chocolate is healthy or not? Here are some things to consider: Pros: Rich in Antioxidants: Cornell University food scientists found that cocoa powder has nearly twice the antioxidants of red wine and up to three times what is found in green tea. Rich in Magnesium: Which is good for our Heart and Circulatory system. Aphrodisiac: This is definitely a bonus! Decreases the appetite in some people: Helps people manag


FRUIT SMOOTHIES Ingredients: Natural plain yoghurt Fruit of your choice (preferably colourful) Honey Granola A dash of pure fruit juice of your choice (no sugar added) Combine the above in a blender Serve with a sprinkling of nuts on top KIDS LOVE THEM! ROLLED DATE BALLS Ingredients: Soft dates without pips Dessicated coconut Form dates into soft balls Roll the balls into the coconut YOU NOW HAVE A DELICIOUS COCONUT DATE BALL. APPLES WITH PEANUT BUTTER (one of my sons favourites!) Sliced apples Spread with peanut butter YUM! A NICE PROTEIN AND HEALTHY ENERGY BOOST!


My children are the kind that just bounce off the walls when they eat sweets made from refined sugar. I have spent a great deal of time thinking up healthy alternatives to their sweet intake. The recipes I post are tried and tested. My kids love them and aren't even bothered that they are not traditional sweets. I think it is because they are getting their sugar fix naturally. I have found that they are far calmer.... I especially have to watch the refined sugar intake of my Mosaic Downs Syndrome son. The sugar has a direct effect on his ears. When he has had a lot of refined sugar he gets ear infections.


TO SOOTHE AND ASSIST SLEEPING: 2 drops lavender essential oil 3 drops marjoram essential oil 1 drop chamomile essential oil Mix the above into about 2 fl. oz of sweet almond and sunflower oil. Massage a small amount onto the chest and back preferably after a warm bath, or as needed. Suitable for all ages. TO COMFORT AND EASE CRYING: 2 drops lavender essential oil 3 drops geranium essential oil 1 drop chamomile essential oil Mix the above into about 2 fl. oz of sweet almond and sunflower oil. Massage a small amount onto the chest and back preferably after a warm bath, or as needed. Suitable for all ages. TO EASE TUMMY ACHES AND COLIC: 2 drops mandarin esssential oil 3 drops ginger essential oil 1 drop chamomile essential oil Mix the above into about 2 fl. oz of sweet almond and sunflower oil. Use a small amount on the stomach. Massage in a clockwise direction. Suitable for all ages. TO SOOTHE MINOR BUMPS AND BRUISES: 2 drops lavender essential oil 1 drop lemon essential oil 3 drops

Reflexology - Oasis of His Healing, Loving Presence

In reflexology a scenario like this happens often. Phone rings. Person calling is wondering about reflexology and what it will do for them. They may have multiple health challenges for which they are seeking relief. Many times they have been referred by another complementary health care professional who believes that reflexology may be a very helpful addition to their journey toward health and wellness. I love these calls. They open up opportunities for amazing discussions and offering care and encouragement. What continuously amazes me after these dialouges, is that God in His wisdom and knowledge of each individual and their challenges, has entrusted them to my hands. What a huge responsibility and privilege! I am always humbled by the opportunity before me. My compassion generally kicks in first. I may ask questions that will cause them to think about their state of health on a holistic level (body, mind & spirit). Lots of those require no verbal answer. I may just let them talk


HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN LAVENDER AND MINT EYE PILLOW: INGREDIENTS: Flax seeds (about 1 1/2 cups) Dried mint (about 2 tablespoons) Dried lavender (about 3 tablespoons) Peppermint essential oil Lavender essential oil (above quantities can be adjusted to suit) Soft material, preferably cotton or silk. Enough to place across the eyes. METHOD: Place flax seeds, dried mint, dried lavender, a few drops of peppermint essential oil and a few drops of lavender essential oil into a mixing bowl and mix together. Sew the sides of the material and leave an opening enough to place a funnel for pouring the above mixture into the material. Then sew the opening closed. You do not want to make the filling to full, it should rest nice and softly on the eyes. Flax seeds are the perfect weight for eyes and can be purchased at a health store or perhaps even the health section in your grocery store. You can also make a pillow case for the eye pillow, this way you can wash the cover. Once the scent fades, you