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Showing posts from February, 2010

Ch-Ch-Ch Chia! The Super Food

Almost all of us have heard of "chia" because of the catchy infomercial of the beloved growing Chia Pet . But did you know that the chia seed is a power food packed with lavish amounts of heart-healthy omega-3 and omega-6 fats, (great for the heart, for lowering blood pressure, and reducing inflammation among other things). It also has twice the amount of protein than any other seed or grain (having all 9 essential amino acids), has 5 times the amount of calcium than milk, and is chock full of fiber (making it excellent for weight loss, diabetics, and improving digestion). It also has more antioxidants and nutrients than the flax seed does and has a neutral taste. The abundant amount of soluble fiber forms a gel which slows down digestion, helping decrease the blood sugar levels (great for diabetics). The best way to eat chia seeds is to first hydrate them into a gel. Otherwise, they can be a quite dehydrating (as they can soak up to 9 times its volume in water.) Mix 1 part

Encouraging Reflexology for Prevention & Wellness

Looking for effective new ways to promote Footsteps In Eden Reflexology . Your suggestions are welcome. What would attract you to make reflexology a part of your regular wellness plan? (Click on above link to learn all about the potential benefits of reflexology, and read the testimonies of others' experiences.) There is much wisdom in the old proverb: "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." We are all finding ourselves in a position of seriously considering the choices we make in spending our hard earned dollars. The health care debate rages on. Wherever you stand on that issue, there are still serious considerations about where the system will leave any of us in our time of health crisis. Reflexology is so beneficial in bringing balance to all the systems of our body and working holistically (body, mind, and spirit) to encourage our bodies toward health and wellness. Clients who have made reflexology a priority every week or every other week, have reported th