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Showing posts from October 23, 2007

Diffuse Tranquility

True pure AROMATHERAPY has limitless possibilities for health and wellness. We keep so many of these in our home, that most people are delighted and intrigued by the beautiful aromas when they enter. While we love the mingling of the aromas, we also diffuse specific essential oils for individual needs. One of my very favorites is Peace & Calming®. This proprietary blend of essential oils includes tangerine, orange, ylang ylang, patchouli and blue tansy. This gentle blend often helps calm tensions and uplift the spirit, promoting relaxation and a deep sense of peace. That sounds like tranquility to me. Find a wide variety of styles and great prices on some excellent diffusers
"A tranquil heart is life to the body, but contention is rottenness to the bones." King Solomon, 900's B.C. It's so easy in our instant gratification age with all of its stress syndromes and hurry sicknesses to believe these words of King Solomon must have really been penned in our 21st Century information age. This wisest ever of men, also shared his belief that, "There is nothing new under the sun." All of that 3,000 years ago. Stress then, as now, must have been at the core of much that ailed mankind. Looking for a thought to share with my reflexology clients, led me to this verse. Then I wondered: Just what does a tranquil heart look like? How do we arrive at our own place of tranquility of body, mind & spirit? How do we escape (or at least minimize) the contentions and stresses of life that are 'rottenness to the bones'? More questions: Where do the stressors end? How do we respond to them in a healthy way that says: I stand today in a place