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Showing posts from April, 2009

Grossly Under Reported Amounts of Pharmaceuticals in Your Drinking Water

It seems crazy sometimes to purchase those packs of bottled water that actually cost us more per gallon than a gallon of gasoline! That is especially true if we fail to pay attention to the sources of that bottled water. Recent news articles have been informing us that we are often times purchasing bottled tap water with all the same impurities we can run into a glass right from our own kitchen faucet. With all those warnings in mind, many of us are carefully selecting the purified waters we are believing are from the most reliable sources. Personally, I have been choosing spring waters since those are reported to have a better track record than the supposed "purified" varieties. Pharmaceutical contaminations, one reported impurity in drinking water supplies, have been, in part, responsible for the move toward the bottled waters. This article just released by the AP is quite lengthy. I challenge you, however, to read the entire article. The accumulations of pharmaceutical con

Reflexology for Summertime Feet

Recently stumbled across this comment in roaming around lots of great blogs out there: "Every barefoot adventure should come with a reflexologist included." I couldn't agree more! Thankfully, the days are warming up a bit. Sandal and barefoot weather are just around the corner. You may have even taken that step already on a few of the warmer days. We've all seen the outcome of running barefoot and wearing sandals all summer. The elements we encounter do tend to do some damage -- blisters, callouses, dry rough skin, know all about that. Those callouses and rough skin may keep some areas of your feet from receiving the stimulation the various reflex points require to keep all the organs in your body functioning optimally. Those barefoot adventures coming with a reflexologist is surely a potential feel good health & wellness experience extraordinaire!

The Cost of the Burial Spices -- The Cost of Salvation

"Joseph from Arimathea was one of Jesus' disciples. He had kept it secret though, because he was afraid of the Jewish leaders. But now he asked Pilate to let him have Jesus' body. Pilate gave him permission, and Joseph took it down from the cross. Nicodemus also came with about seventy-five pounds of spices made from myrrh and aloes. This was the same Nicodemus who had visited Jesus one night. The two men wrapped the body in a linen cloth, together with the spices, which was how the Jewish people buried their dead." John 19:38-40 (Contemporary English Version) The love, respect, and reverence these two men held for Jesus, their Lord and their Savior, was unbelievable. So must have been their wealth. Joseph provided a tomb. (If anyone has had to plan a funeral recently you know that was a large contribution.) Nicodemus also spent with abandon bringing aloes and myrrh. In their sorrow and in keeping with the customs these men offered costly and priceless worship to thei

Startling Stress Statistics . . . Reflexology for Stress Reduction

This photo from Stock Vault photos is entitled, "Releasing the Demons." That is a STRESSFUL thought. In my humble opinion this photo is a depiction of STRESS. . . and STRESS is our topic here! Look at these STRESS statistics compiled for a recent REFLEXOLOGY presentation. *7 out of every 10 people who die each year had been living with a chronic illness. *1 out of every 2 of us in now living with a chronic illness. *For 3 of every 4 of those with a chronic illness, STRESS may be a contributing factor. (American Medical Association) *A full 43% of US adults suffer adverse effects from STRESS. (American Psychological Association) *More than 80% of physician office visits are associated with unresolved stress issues. *Stress is a big factor in more than 75% of all illnesses diagnosed today with many studies putting this figure closer to 90%. ( *Depression, only one type of stress reaction, is predicted to be the leading occupational disease of the 2

April Blooming Invites You to Footsteps In Eden Reflexology

Clients of Footsteps In Eden have been wowed by the April color palatte of God's incredible creation as they travel the little street to our door. We're amazed, too, every time we glance out the window or wander about our yard. It would be splendid for it to look this amazing year round, but suppose we would never appreciate it so much. Suffice it to say, Memphis shows off big time for a few weeks each Spring, and we are blessed to enjoy an extreme abundance of the glitz and glamour of it all. Reflexology appointments during this season are still available. Your relaxation will begin before you even arrive at your destination.

fMRI Technology Proving Reflexology's Effectiveness

A common question asked about reflexology is, "Is that like accupuncture?" Answering that question is multi-faceted. Accupuncture uses tiny needles inserted in many places all over the body. Reflexology is totally non-invasive touch therapy on the hands, feet, and ears only. In a recent Footsteps In Eden newsletter I shared about a reflexology technique, meridian toe hold, which definitely incorporates specific accupuncture points. A similarity and a difference -- look for that same article in an upcoming blog entry. Reflexologists see the foot (and body) in longitudinal zones, with reflex points that mirror the physical body located on the foot along, between, or overlapping these zones. The reflexology zones coincide with the accupuncture meridians. Some of the reflex points may be similarly located as the accupunctures points -- most are not. Reflexologists are, however, very aware of certain accupuncture points as areas to be avoided in some instances, such as in the ca

Ask Questions First When Seeking the Services of a Qualified Reflexologist

When a client recently described her search for a reflexologist, the not necessarily but ought-to-be obvious considerations became a bit more apparent. What questions would a prospective client wish to ask. What information would an outstanding refelxologist find important to share. What questions have my clients asked to which perhaps I could have given a clearer response. For those serious about the excellent health benefits of reflexology, there really are some important concerns in locating a well qualified reflexologist. Here are a few for you to consider. 1. What is the practitioner's training? You may wish to do some research and check out the programs/schools they mention, or just hearing that they have actually been to a specialized reflexology program/school may give you the "gut" feeling you need. 2. Is the practitioner certified in reflexology? TN, where Footsteps In Eden is located, is one of a handful of states that has a separate registration for reflexolo