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Showing posts from November 5, 2009

The Power of Positive Affirmations

Hi Everyone, I thought this was a useful article to share, The Revolutionary Power of Affirmations Written by Scott Armstrong & Jafree Ozwald Affirmations are a simple, powerful way to transform your life. Anytime you choose to be in conscious control of your thoughts, you are taking the reigns back on what you determine to be reality. Whenever you say or think an affirmation that resonates deeply within your being, it becomes the framework that creates the world you see around you. By repeating special affirmations to yourself throughout the day, you are choosing to pave an inner highway towards manifesting the life you most want to have, instead of being run over by the life you are trying to avoid. "We cannot always control our thoughts, but we can control our words, and repetition impresses the subconscious, and we are then master of the situation." ~Florence Scovel Shinn Research has shown that we have between 45,000 and 51,000 thoughts a day. That’s


If you have been to any complementary health practitioners you may be familiar with the concept of needing to return for a certain number of treatments. The reason for this is, generally, unlike Western medicine where a prescription medication is designed to stop or suppress certain symptoms, the complementary approach is to kick-start your body's own innate healing mechanisms. In comparison to Western medicine this can sometimes be perceived by people as 'the hard way' but when successfully applied is also the most healthy and ideal path to wellness. Often with more chronic illness, over time medication starts to lose its effect and it is only then that it becomes apparent that restarting your body's own innate healing mechanism is paramount to your well-being. (In the case of illness always consult with your doctor first. It is also worth mentioning here that Reflexology is 'complementary' which means that it can be used safely alongside conventional Western t


Reflexology is a therapy that can be effectively used to help reduce stress, lower blood pressure, increase circulation and movement of lymph, helping you to detox and also helps to aid relaxation. The reflexologist works mainly with the feet, and occassionally with the hands and ears, massaging and stimulating certain points and sometimes meridians that correspond to and run through the main systems of the body. In essence, it is believed that the feet represent a microcosm of the body and all of its systems. These systems e.g. the circulatory system, lymphatic system, digestive system, nervous system etc. can be aided through reflexology in many ways. Increased circulation can mean that, on a cellular level, the organs of your body receive a larger amount of oxygen and nutrients and rid themselves more easily of toxins and waste. Increased circulation can also aid respiration, allowing a person to breathe more deeply and thereby relax. Increased lymphatic flow means that the body can