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Showing posts from March 18, 2011

Natural Remedies for Radiation and Toxic Overload

Natural Remedies for Radiation and Toxic Overload Here is a great Care2 article by Bridgitte Mars that will help our bodies, even without if we aren't in high radiation exposure areas... as we are constantly bombarded by toxins. Here's an excerpt: "The seed buckwheat is high in rutin, helps to protect against radiation and stimulates new bone marrow production. The mucilaginous fibers in seaweed (such as kelp, kombu, arame, nori, sea lettuce, dulse, wakame and hiziki ) help to prevent the reabsorption of radioactive strontium 90, barium, cadmium and radium by binding with them and carrying them out of the body. Sea vegetables are also high in natural iodine, which can load the thyroid, so that radiation is not absorbed. Eat two tablespoons daily for protection and be careful of overdoing. Be sure seaweeds are from clean waters like , or . Following the bombing of Nagasaki, a group of surviving macrobiotic doctors and their patients avoid