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Showing posts from December 4, 2007

miessence Organic Skincare a Great Value

When prospective clients look at the miessence organic line of skincare and cosmetics I represent, they often look first at the price. That's quite a shame, I believe, especially when they are comparing it to the products they are purchasing at the big chain drugstore on every corner. Just the ingredients label alone on those products truly are screaming, "Unless you wish to put totally toxic stuff on your body, don't even take me home." Much appreciation goes to the miessence representative who took her precious time to compare our prices to the other organic brands on the market. Now we are comparing oranges to oranges here. The truth is that ounce for ounce miessence comes in pennies higher than two other brands, but in many cases dollars less than some of the most well-known. miessence quality is tremendous. You will find the entire miessence certified organic product line by clicking here . Thank you for visiting. You'll find gift ideas that are truly a tre