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Showing posts from August 23, 2010

Calcium Supplments a No-No?

A new analysis study done by researcher Ian Reid, MD, of New Zealand’s University of Aukland, found that women who are taking calcium supplements are increasing their risk of heart disease by 20-30%. Dr. Reid told WebMD, “I think we need to seriously consider whether calcium supplementation is a good thing for most people, given that it is associated with a very small decrease in fracture risk." He went on to say, which we've been learning for years...“We encourage our patients to get their calcium from the foods they eat and not from supplements.” To read the entire article on WebMD, click here . Dr. Carol Watson, ND says "Doctors who study calcium now understand that the amount of calcium absorbed depends on its interaction with other dietary constituents. In other words, the absorbability of calcium is mainly determined by the presence of food constituents. One study (taken from a research article written by Robert Theil, Ph.D., N.D.) found that whole food calcium i