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Showing posts from December 21, 2007

Savor the Moments

It's Friday afternoon just a few days before Christmas. My shopping is complete, the gifts wrapped, and the house is almost ready for our family's Christmas festivities. To have today and tomorrow to relax a little has been wonderful. My thoughts (as they have so often the last few weeks) continue to turn to exactly how it is we should be celebrating this season. JESUS IS THE VERY BEST GIFT EVER. My gifts can in no way compare -- and they aren't even handmade this year as they have been so often in the past. The momentary pleasures and joys -- they're memories worth keeping. Like the one yesterday when my 2 year old granddaughter and I visited the Enchanted Forest. This exhibit of elves and forest creatures having fun in the snow while busy preparing all the toys and fun Santa will soon deliver, features old, old motorized animals and elfs. The animals were all waving to the children as we wandered our way through the exhibit which now finds its home at The Pink Palace