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Showing posts from May 20, 2008

Refllexology in Memphis, Tennessee

Of course, those who read my blog regularly know that I am a Registered Certified Reflexologist working in the Memphis, TN, area. For a long while my reflexology posts were popping up quickly in the top 5 or 6 on a google search looking for "reflexology, Memphis, TN." I've noticed that it no longer even shows in the first 3 or 4 pages. I'm certainly not sure what's happened, but I hope you'll indulge me the opportunity to include this more current post in hopes that ALIVE! will again come up high in the google searches. For those of you just finding my blog for the first time, please take the time to check out my reflexology website as well. I believe you will be amazed at what you'll learn about the benefits of reflexology. Scheduling an appointment affords you the experience to go along with the knowledge you'll glean from the site. Most likely, you'll quickly become a believer in its incredible benefits.

In Memory

Hello to all. . . if you are a subscriber and haven't seen a post for awhile, it is true. . . . I've been mentally and emotionally away from the blog for a couple of weeks. So this short post is just a red, red rose in memory of my Mother-in-Law. She went to be with Jesus this past week. Her victory celebration of glory to God for a full and completed life was just that . . . and exactly as she would have had it. May she rest in the loving arms of Jesus until we see her again at the Wedding Feast of the Lamb!!!