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Showing posts from November 11, 2008

Maternity Reflexology Now Offered at Footsteps In Eden

Many new and veteran moms, including celebrities, Elle MacPherson, Kate Moss, and Gwyneth Paltrow have followed and endorsed a maternity care program developed by obstetrician, Dr. Gowri Motha, and outlined in her book, Gentle Birth Method. The main “ingredient" of this program is reflexology. I've been privileged recently to receive advanced training in Maternity Reflexology from Dr. Motha’s contemporary, Susanne Enzer. Susanne has used reflexology with great success in her midwifery practice in the United Kingdom and Australia. She is passionate to teach midwives reflexology and reflexologists maternity reflexology techniques, holding classes in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States. Susanne is well known worldwide in this field, and believes “Reflexology is second to none for pregnancy care! In my opinion, no matter what type of delivery the mum-to-be will have, if she has had reflexology as part of pre-natal care she will be well prepared for the experience