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Showing posts from November 11, 2010

Stress: Ease Holiday Pressure Tips

I hope you are all well and enjoying the beauty of the snow!!! I just wanted to send you some tips I received from my trainer Patricia Crane as they are very useful especially at this time. In our already busy lives, the holidays are often a time of more stress rather than more joy and fun. Buying presents can stretch the family budget, demands on time increase, and family gatherings can be a challenge. This year simplify your life with these tips and enjoy the season more! 1. Begin with affirmations that this season is a fun and enjoyable time for you and your family. When you become aware of any negative thoughts about the holidays, tell yourself, 'stop!' Affirm that everything will get done easily. 2. Practice stress management! Remember to breathe deeply and easily, letting your shoulders, neck, and back relax and let go. 3. During the holidays the average person gains 5 pounds and then has to do a New Year's Resolution to lose them! Set an intention to maintain your we


Day 4 and doing great!  The headache has subsided and I must say I just feel so much better drinking more water.  I even resisted a cup of afternoon tea with my son's 5 year birthday cake yesterday.  I am really enjoying drinking South African Rooibos tea, which is delicious and really good for you...