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Showing posts from June 3, 2011
Several years ago I finally began to come to my senses -- or at least to begin to pay more attention to these five enormous assets. With an often painful home life and being  somewhat of a curiosity in my family growing up, I learned to tune out -- well -- almost everything. It was my survival mode. I've learned this great talent is not necessarily my best friend. Our five senses -- seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching -- are so important in our discovery of life around us, and our overall well-being. A few days ago I posted a link on my Facebook page, briefly outlining using our five senses to recharge. Intrigued by this article because of my personal experiences and light bulb moments, I believed the article would touch others as well. The article quickly skimmed the surface. In the next several blog posts I choose to be transparent with you, my readers, sharing my story of learning to experience and value the senses more deeply. By sharing, I pray your life my be enh