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Showing posts from April 8, 2008

Reflexology from Medical Point of View

The medical community is promoting the benefits of reflexology. I'm excited to share the list below of medical centers and what they are saying about the benefits of this amazing touch therapy. Thank you to Mark Cook, reflexologist in Idaho for gathering and sharing the information below. What is reflexology effective for? In my practice, I've seen miracles time and time again in every kind of ailment. People withlong standing conditions and no hope have regained hope as their quality of life improved. Since I am not a doctor, I am not qualified to diagnose and condition. Nor do I try since I seek to balance the whole body. Medical centers ARE qualified and promote reflexology as beneficial for the following conditions. The California Pacific Medical Center says: Reflexology reduces stress, balances energy flow in the body and mind and supports the immune system. Though given on the hands and feet, this extraordinary technique affects the entire body. The University of Pittsb