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Showing posts from May 18, 2011

Our Love-Hate Relationship with Sweets

Oh those sweets! We love them. We hate them. We love the taste of sweets. We love the feeling of sweetness in our mouths. In fact, we love the " feeling of sweetness ". Oh but the guilt that follows the bite down is enough to spoil that love affair with each swallow. I can hear it now... " this is bad for me, I will gain weight, my face will break out, where is my will power, this causes inflammation, this causes addiction, this causes disease ..!" * Gulp! * You just ate that, all that. The guilt is punishing enough to make you never eat another sweet again. That is, until the next bite tempts us. "Oh, hello my sweet love!" Sweet food is, for many of us, a love-hate relationship . We crave sweetness for many reasons. One reason people eat sweets is that we have become "programmed" unconsciously to do so. We have become mindless when it comes to putting something inside our bodies based on triggers that aren't the hunger triggers. How many t