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Showing posts from January, 2010

Bollywood Charity Night October 2009

On the 16th October 2009 my friend Nicola Kelly (MIMTA) and I were very excited. We were taking part in a charity fundraiser for the Hope Foundation for the street children in Calcutta. After distributing fliers, sending emails, collecting donations and selling lots of tickets we were making good progress. We organised a team of fellow complimentary therapists to participate so we had a variety of practitioners. Our venue was the Glenview hotel and all therapists were based in the Library. Gentle soothing Indian music was piped into our room which was bathed just in candlelight. Incense filled the air and we all took our positions. A few of us dressed in Indian costume to enhance the fun of the night. The room offered mini sessions of Indian Head Massage, Hand Reflexology, Amatsu and subtle Healing. The treatments lasted approximately 20-30 minutes. We raised over €400 in the therapy room alone as we were very busy even though we stopped at 10.30pm to avoid people who may have consumed


Ah the New Year Detox! A cliche? Yes... but it is the season for resolutions so what better time than now to write about the benefits of detoxing and how reflexology can facilitate this. WHY DETOX? Reason number one is, for me, in order to feel better! Detoxing your system brings your body back into homeostasis and maximises your ability to heal physically, emotionally and mentally. When your body is toxic on a physical level, it can cause fluctuations in thought and mood, sometimes making you feel down, de-motivated and cranky. Reason number two .. to have more energy? Do you find that you are currently tired, lethargic and sluggish? Detoxing can help to boost your energy levels and your motivation. Reason number three .. to look better? Detoxing helps the skin, hair, eyes, nails and your overall glow. WHY REFLEXOLOGY? There are many different methods of detoxing, a lot of which involve diets and colonic flushing. These cannot be disputed as very effective ways of flushing the system.


I've come across quite a number of people who suffer from sinus pain and blockages and thought it might be beneficial to some if I were to share my personal experience with it. Sinus issues were the main reason I got into reflexology in the first place. I had chronic sinusitis for the best part of a year and had tried practically all medications, including over the counter and prescribed medications in order to treat it. The relief was always temporary if at all. I went to a number of doctors and in the end it was decided that I should go into hospital and have my sinuses scraped. The thought of having this done horrified me. At that time I spoke with a person who had had the procedure done and he said that again the relief was temporary and he had to have the procedure multiple times. Anyone who has suffered with sinus problems, especially, the pain, will appreciate how debilitating it is, not to mention how cranky it makes you. I put the procedure on the long finger and decided t