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Showing posts from October, 2012

Reflexology for Liver Health

Testimonial- “My daughter was born with a congenital condition that blocked the bile duct of her liver. She was severely jaundiced for 21 years. During her first reflexology treatment with JoAnn, the whites of my daughter’s eyes suddenly cleared for the first time in her life. Now my daughter has decided to study reflexology.”

November Events

Introduction to Reflexology: November 17, 2012 10:00AM-5:00PM, UCSC  Call 459-2668 or Register online at  . Class size is limited. Lecture Self help with Reflexology for stress November 6, 2012 7:30-9:00  Way Of Life lecture series 464-4113 World Peace, Blessings and Many Thanks!

Foot Pain Associated with a Foot Injury or Trauma

Foot pain, foot tenderness, and foot numbness may indicate an imbalance in one or more of the body’s systems related to a recent or chronic foot injury or trauma. For example: foot pain in the arches may be associated with muscular strain due to improper footwear. Footwear may cause an imbalance in the muscular-skeletal and nervous systems connected to the foot itself. Foot Reflexology is effective with this type of foot pain. Similarly, foot reflexology can be effective in relieving foot pain related to imbalances including stubbed toes, decreased circulation, swelling and recovery from foot surgery, etc. (See Reflexology Testimonials) World Peace, Blessings and Many Thanks

Reflexology for Fall Allergies

It's Fall! In this reflexologist /writer's humble opinion, the most beautiful season of the year. Many of  you would agree. It's also a season of sneezing, dripping sinuses, itchy eyes, stuffy nose, etc, due to seasonal allergies. Sure does put a damper on enjoying the beautiful sunny and crisp autumn days. What triggers these Fall allergies and where do you turn for relief? While many medications are available to treat the symptoms of allergy challenges, the root cause of those symptoms are not addressed by the meds.  Web MD says the following about those root causes and triggers of Fall allergies: Male plants release tiny cells called pollen into the air in order to reproduce. When these pollen or other allergy triggers get into the noses of certain people, their immune system mistakenly sees them as foreign invaders and releases antibodies -- substances that normally identify and go after bacteria, viruses, and other illness-causing organisms. The antibodies attack
BREAST DISORDERS.    Tension Inhibts the Healthy Formation of Breast Tissue, As this Causes the Breasts from Absorbing Essential Nutrients to Function Healthily. Negative Emotions and Feelings Cause Congestion and Inflammation in Breast Tissue Causing Disease. The Central Nervous System, The Endocrine Glands and the Liver Reflexes Along with The Lymphatic System are Stimulated to Promote Healing.
WOMENS , REFLEXLOLOGY  DAY.   Ok Ladys, How About  Having a Reflexology Treatment   with your friends Either in your Home or There's ,PERFECT COMBINATION.  Max 6 People in a Group.