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Showing posts from February 26, 2008

Katie & Fear

This is one of my favorite "Works" of Katie. So many of us experience Fear. But is it real? And what are we putting ourselves through? Check out this amazing discovery directed by Bryon "Katie".

Bryon Katie and Cancer

I love Bryon Katie! "Katie" has an amazing gift to share with us. She helps reveal a truth inside of us that brings us peace and ease. The Work is actually a logical process in which the mind can walk itself out of stress. See the clips below for examples of her work. For more on Katie's great work, visit her website directly: Check out this heart-touching work dealing with "cancer". If you like that, you probably will love her book: Loving What Is . Don't you love it?

Raw Food Facts

Of all the species of life on earth throughout history, only one alters it from its original raw state. No wonder why our species experiences more diseases than all other species combined. The SAD diet includes on average about 5,000 artificial additives each year. Raw broccoli contains just about as much calcium as whole milk and is linked to lower cancer risks.

Simple, Live Food

Simplicity can be easily be found in food, however complex our grocery stores, restaurants, food advertisements, and kitchens have become. All we need to do is look back to nature. We remind ourselves where we and our food came from, and it wasn't a brightly colored, shrink-wrapped container. Nature has provided humans and animals life as long as we've been here: before fire, farms, and factories. In it's raw form, food is more nutritious and life-giving than, obviously, its processed and cooked counterpart. Why eat Live Food? Because of the laws of nature that say: * Things produce after their own kind; * From Life only can Life be created; * We are what we eat The concept is simple. Live food creates a live body, dead food creates a dead body. Our bodies were designed to be fueled by live, organic foods. They are rich in nutrients, enzymes and life energy. When cooked, processed or altered in other ways, food nutrients, enzymes and constituents become damaged and our

Living Food (Raw Food)

Living Food (Raw Food) Why choose living foods? Live (Raw) contain more life (more enzymes your body needs to digest so it doesn't have to deplete other resources, more vitamins, minerals and nutrients, and more vital life energy to name a few). Is a Twinkie, sausage, or donut grow when you plant it in the ground? Can a cooked apple re-grow itself? Nope. But I have a whole seedling patio garden started from the seeds of the fresh, live food I eat. That is life force. (So I actually haven't tried to plant donut, but I would be amazed if a donut tree sprouted up!) There is a wealth of information on Raw and Living foods in books and on the internet. I hope to touch base just a bit more here, but if you are at all interested check out the other links and resources on the subject. I am not here to judge an eating, health or any lifestyle practice someone else has. I think it is important to enjoy, approve and be happy with our own individual lives . And if this lifestyle could be p