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Showing posts from January 28, 2009

Don't Have Enough Time? Whose Voices are You Following?

"I Don't Have Enough Time!" How many times have you made that cry? In our 24/7, gadgetized techi world with all of its instant gratifcations whose expectations are we meeting or not meeting? Whose life is more stressed out? (Now that's one we could probably all claim 1st Place in the one-up-manship contest. On the day I was having a BIGTIME "time" meltdown, I also agreed to help lead a women's Bible Study entitled, The Frazzled Female . What I didn't count on was teaching the lesson entitled "I Don't Have Enough Time!" In the book the author states, In my seminars I ask the question, "What causes you to be frazzled?" "Not enough time" is always at the top of the list. It's probably at the top of yours too. The author (Cindi Wood) sent us to John 9-12, which included The Parable of the Good Shepherd. In this passage which I know so well, and in a time I made to pull away from everything else to hear from the LORD