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Showing posts from April 22, 2008

Thieves® -- Thankful Today for this Green Cleaner

The thought of sending my king size bedspread to the dry cleaner was distasteful for a couple of reasons. Only one (kinda large) corner needed cleaning. The dry cleaning solvents would be quite noxious to my way of thinking. Never the less, the whole bedspread would certainly not fit in my washing machine. What happened? Our precious little 2 year old granddaughter was sleeping on our bed when an upset tummy presented itself in quite a yucky way. You probably get my drift here. Carefully wiping it off and then allowing it to dry out gave me a bit of time to think this one through. Thieves™ in its many forms has come to my rescue before. One corner of the bedspread would easily fit in my oversize kitchen sink. So, with a bar of Thieves™ Soap and some cold water the spots were gently coaxed from the bedspread. Wrapped in towels to absorb the water, the bedspread is now clean and spread out to dry. The greater benefit is the antibacterial properties of Thieves®, and essential oil blend fr