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Showing posts from October, 2010

Reflexology Special Holiday Offers for November-December 2010

The fast approaching holidays, and the limited time available to be and do all we would like during the months of November and December, have had my mind in a spin. As moms and grandmothers and women in general, we take on the holidays with a vengeance. I'm not sure what we're looking for, except perhaps to recreate a memory or a dream we see in our hearts, and hope to experience too. I'm thinking of the ways to make our dreams realities while keeping our dispositions kind and our hearts loving. Anything less would spoil the effect. You're agreeing about now, right? :o) Here are a few of my thoughts on destressing the holidays for a happier, healthier, joyful celebration for all: 1. We all have so much. So, do most of those on our gift giving lists. I see so many things I would love to purchase for my children and grandchildren. It's challenging, but one a pray I'm up to: limiting my purchases to one well-chosen gift for each person. Being able to purchase gifts


I really don't believe in the whole "fuzzy wuzzy love feeling", sure it does exist at first when you are initially attracted to someone, but in the end I believe we attract the partners who we are meant to learn the most from, by that I mean life challenges.....this also applies to the people who we come into contact with in our lives, they are all there to teach us something and visa versa....

Life is a blossoming...

I love Deepak Chopra's quote, "Life is a blossoming, not a race" . What an empowering attitude shift to carry forward in our life. The image of a flower unfolding is so soft, natural, and beautiful... versus racing towards a deadline that creates a feeling of pressure and an "end". This is an excerpt from Deepak Chopra's article "Do you struggle with time?". "How much better not to feel any time pressure, to blossom fully despite the fact that death exists. The attitude that life is a blossoming, not a race, can be achieved. But to do that, you can’t believe that time is running out. Sending that message to your body’s cells is the same, ultimately, as programming them to age and die." Read more:


How cute is 10 year old special needs son, said to me that his nose was sick.  By that he meant he was having sinus problems.  I gave him a foot reflexology session and spent a lot of time working on his sinusus.  I also gave him ferrum phos, one of the homeopathic tissue salts especially for inflammtion etc.  His sick nose started to feel much better in a couple of days.

A Little Peace of Heaven -- Reflexology for the Wedding Party

Exciting news: We are now offering reflexology packages for the wedding party! "A Little Peace of Eden" comes to you and your group. These flexible packages are sure to create a wonderful relaxed environment and relieve stress all around. This very flexible offer is a perfect gift for you and your attendants. The moms would love to be included too, I'm sure! Look for more details on our website . Then call us to arrange the perfect oasis for your group.


My daughter was away on school camp for the last 3 days.  Yesterday I got a real potent feeling of missing her.  I looked at the clock and it was around 16:20 and I wondered if she was missing me too.  When she came home today, I asked her if she had felt homesick at all and she said that around that same time, she had told her friends that she was missing her mom!  There really is mental telepathy and it can be a good can get you in touch with your feelings and also connect you with people you haven't heard from or seen in a while.

Buying GMO Free Foods

Here are some excellent resources for buying and consuming GMO-Free foods. Get the GMO FREE SHOPPING GUIDE: Remember the four simple tips to avoid GMOs: From: Tip #1: Buy Organic Organic producers cannot intentionally use GMOs. Tip #2: Look for "Non-GMO" Verified Seals Tip #3: Avoid At-Risk Ingredients If it's not labeled organic, or doesn't have a Non-GMO Project Verified Seal , then avoid processed food products ingredients made with these GM crops: Corn, Soybeans, Canola, Cottonseed and Beet sugar. Corn Corn flour, meal, oil, starch, gluten, and syrups Sweeteners such as fructose, dextrose, and glucose Modified food starch* Soy Soy flour, lecithin, protein, isolate, and isoflavone Vegetable oil* and vegetable protein* Canola Canola oil (also called rapeseed oil) Cotton Cottonseed oil Sugar Avoid anything not listed as 100% cane sugar since GM beet sugar recently enter


Thanks to Dr. Mitra Ray for sharing this article. Striving for an unblemished complexion? Bypass the skin care aisle and head to the produce section! Eating more raw veggies might reduce breakouts by as much as 30%, according to new research. A recent study from the University of Oslo compared dietary habits with incidence and severity of acne among 3,775 college students. Researchers found that women who ate more than five servings of raw vegetables daily enjoyed significantly fewer skin eruptions. "This has never been shown before," announced study authors. Less statistically significant, though interesting: both males and females who often ate potato chips suffered 5% more breakouts, while a frequent sweet tooth translated into 4% more "bad skin days." Why might this be? Previous research suggests that many of the antioxidants in fruit and vegetables help reduce inflammation associated with skin problems. Fending off wrinkles rather than pimples? Produce bo