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Showing posts from October 25, 2007

Battle Against the Superbugs

I am aware of more than one person that has recently struggled or continues to struggle with staph infections. These and other mysterious superbugs have become exceedingly resistant to anti-biotics. Articles like the ones below are popping up all over the country. This problem is especially prevalent with children and young people. Many have found by experience that the newly introduced and long-awaited INNER DEFENSE from Young Living™ may be a worthy weapon in the battle. High School Football Player in Medically Induced Coma to Fight Mysterious Bacteria. GROVE CITY, OHIO -- Football captain Justin Laborce remains in Children's Hospital, slowly but surely recovering from a mysterious illness that apparently has been stabilized, but still hasn't been diagnosed. Laborce's symptoms are consistent with that of a staph infection, but doctors have yet to confirm it as the cause of his illness.” -- The Columbus Dispatch, September 22, 2007 Michigan Catholic School Evacuated A

Caring Touch

Our Sunday Morning Bible study group was assigned the book RELATIONAL CHRISTIANITY. Reading through just the first couple of chapters I saw an immediate link to some truths God continues to impress upon me, especially as I have ventured into the field of reflexology. In the book, author Steve Meeks focuses on the facts of how much we know about God. It's the way our western minds are programmed. We know so much about how to have an intimate realtionship with Him -- one that brings true joy and peace and love into our lives in an experiential way. We know all the how tos and truths of it, but do we experience the relationship with Him in our lives? Having studied reflexology in depth over the past year I saw some very really analogies. When a client chose to submit to my touch on their feet, most often they only knew about what it might be like, but had not had this particular experience before. As the client experiences the caring touch they choose to return because of the benefits