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Showing posts from December, 2009

Surviving the Holidays

'Tis the Season to over-indulging, blood-sugar roller coaster rides, stress, and partying with a lot of viruses! It is a sure cocktail to feeling a little blue and bulgy. The good news is there are some strategies to help get you through the holidays. Drink plenty of water. Yes, water. Not just wine, cocktails, juice, coffee, tea, or other beverages. Water helps you to feel fuller and is the only drink that hydrates your body. This is also beneficial because winter tends to be very drying due to our heated homes. Try to drink some water at least every 2 hours. Have a healthy light snack before going out to dinner. Eat some fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, or seeds to partially fill your tummy with some nutrient dense food so you won't over eat on things that are less healthy. Eat Less. Watch your portion size when filling your plate. Intentionally leave some space on your plate and don't go back for seconds. Your body will thank you for this. Eat Slow. Take your time eatin


Do you want to know more about hand reflexology and when it is used? Hand reflexology is generally used when, for one reason or another, the feet cannot be accessed. It is believed that to work on the feet delivers a more powerful reflexology treatment but I have had some pretty profound moments working on the hands too. Not to mention how relaxing it can be for someone who uses their hands a lot in their working day. The feet may be inaccessible for many reasons, maybe the person is self-conscious of their feet or extremely ticklish. Perhaps the client has a form of infection, fungus or injury on the feet which prevents them from receiving a treatment. Perhaps the client is an amputee or there is restricted access to the feet where the legs cannot be raised. Or maybe it is a simple case of location and wanting to be discrete while delivering a treatment. The hands are easier to access in general as no covering needs to be removed and some people find it to be less invasive. The hands