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Showing posts from January 24, 2008

Safety of Cosmetics

When introduced to ONEGroup's miessence certified organic cosmetics and skincare last spring, I believe I found a treasure chest of products. It's not really surprising, I suppose, to see all the companies out there with green claims, and perhaps healthy products. I visit to the SkinDeep website may shed some different light on many of the products you are trusting for your skin, and therefore, trusting for your body's health as well. The lower the scores, the safer the product. It's wonderful to be able to report that all of the ONEGroup miessence products fall in the SAFE category. That is just not true for many of the products whose claims you are believing and whose products you are using. This evening I read an article on the cosmetic lines incorporating nanoparticles technology being used in many lines of personal care products. It, too, is quite alarming. I encourage you to read about it at the link above. My challenge to you: After reading about nanoparti