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Showing posts from November 9, 2010


I absolutely love good red wine and good coffee!  However, I have decided to cut these out of my daily consumption for the next 30 days.  Eeek, what will I do without my morning cup of coffee and my so looked forward to glass of red wine as the sun is setting over the ocean whilst I am cooking?  Well, I started yesterday and so far so good.  I have a massive headache right now from the caffeine withdrawal.  I have also cut out tea containing caffeine and again this will be huge for me, as I very much enjoy a cup of tea in the afternoons.  I am replacing my fluids with lots of water (which I seriously am bad about drinking in general) and fruit juices that do not contain sugar. SO LET'S SEE HOW I GO AND HOW I FEEL AT THE END.  I have never been able to stick to one of these cleansers, but I am hoping that if I record it in my blog, it will give me the vuma to keep going.