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Showing posts from February, 2012


 My 6 year old son is very active!  He is not really a TV guy and responds well when given chores to do.  He gets really involved in the project at hand and becomes a real delight.  I have discovered that he has a passion for helping me in the garden.  I think too many children are classified as being ADD when really all they are wanting is some positive stimulation.  I also read him a story before bed, do reflexology on his little feet (which he loves) and play some soothing music.

How Reflexology Can Help. Overcoming Alcohol Addiction

Too much Alcohol can affect the Production of Hormones, Especially Endorphins, The Brain chemicals that Give you the Feelgood Factor and Engergy. Reflexology can stimulate the body to Produce Endorphins. Alcohol and Drugs cause chemical and Glandular imbalances, Reflexology can help the Body Repair itself, Especially from Liver Damage and the Toxins Alcohol can cause.

Reflexology: Perfect Valentine's Gift

Footsteps in Eden Reflexology would like to remind those of you still looking for the perfect Valentine's Day Gift, we have the solution. When you give reflexology you give an experience of relaxation, peace, and tranquility that expresses your love beautifully. Visit our website . We make it  easy to order your gift certificates for the special one or ones in your life. Photo from