Still doing great! Yesterday, I made some cookies using xylitol for my children-they loved them! They came out soft instead of crispy but I think it is because of the xylitol. Sugar would crystalize and make the cookies crispy whereas xylitol doesn't. Oh well, the goal was to satisfy there sugar cravings and I think I accomplished this, so each week I shall bake a new batch....
Earlier this week I found myself on an incredible internet journey. . . DESTINATION: Articles and Info about specific ways reflexology may help you, your family and your friends. I was serious about this. You must understand, in the USA not too much research has been done to document the results reflexologists see everyday. Other countries (Denmark, UK, and China mostly) have done extensive research. Their results have encouraged them to place reflexology into the mainstream of the medical community. Tennessee, the state where I live and practice reflexology, was the first state to actually set reflexolgoy apart from other modalities and professions, and its regulation does fall under health related boards. That is certainly a positive!!! My journey did lead to some interesting locations I would love to share with you. I believe if you will check these out you will learn so much about the value of reflexology as not only one of the most incredibly relaxing experiences you may have, but...
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