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Whole Creation in the Foot: A Reflexologist's Perspecitive

It took the whole of Creation To produce my foot, my each feather: Now I hold Creation in my foot.
Ted Hughes

What a beautiful quote I came upon this morning. As a reflexologist, and especially one that is just completing certification in Maternity Reflexology as well, it holds so much significance I'm bounding over to share. Praying I will articulate my thoughts with understanding for you the reader.

To begin please allow me to share from the Psalms:
You are the one who put me together inside my mother's body, and I praise you because of the wonderful way you created me. Everything you do is marvelous! Of this I have no doubt.
~~Psalm 139:13-14
Now add to this a brief definition of reflexology. Reflexology is based on the belief that every organ, gland, and part of your body is reflected in the feet. The reflexologist uses specific hand, finger, and thumb techniques to address these reflex points encouraging all systems of the body to greater balance and deep relaxation.

Only The Creator -- the One True God of the universe -- could even conceive of such an incredible plan. In the beginning when man went without shoes and traveled on foot, each step was an opportunity for those reflexes to be addressed by the earth it touched.

Over many centuries (earliest evidences dating back to 2500 B.C.) man has learned to work with the foot to encourage it toward health and wellness in a most non-invasive manner. To do this, he has gleaned knowledge of how each point on the foot resonates with a part of the body, and all working as a whole may work to restore health and wellness. Even that this may occur is the healing power of The Creator, the Great Physician, flowing through the hands of the practitioner allowing an opportunity for the body of the receiver to work for restoration of challenges it may be facing.

When the new incoming soul is conceived within the woman's body and is there knit together (even as the Psalmist spoke), a reflexion of that new life is very visible upon the woman's feet. She so clearly holds "creation" within her womb and her feet.

It is so amazing to me as a reflexologist every time I am allowed to be the vessel God uses to encourage healing and wellness within the body, mind, and spirit of another. What I bring to the table is a learned skill set, a willing heart (and pair of hands), and an ear tuned to the direction of His guiding influence for each person He entrusts to my care.

Each unique individual is His Creation, and every outcome is in His hands. Each miracle I witness is beautiful and amazing. Everyday I am humbled that He chooses to use me in this way in the lives of His creation.


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