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Journey of Perseverance and Blessing

FOOTSTEPS IN EDEN is NOW OPEN! . . . . or at least it will be officially according to business license records etc. on Nov. 1. That's tomorrow! WOW!!! My feelings about this range somewhere between euphoric, numb, excited, is this really happening? to anti-climatic, and just about anywhere else along the track of highs and lows that roller coaster travels.

Adventures and misadventures of all kinds filled this two year journey. That first year I researched, surveyed, and researched some more, making absolutely certain that I would have the very best training and also be in compliance with my state's rules and regulations. Last November I traveled to Boca Raton, lived for ten days with someone I had never met, and completed the basic reflexology course requirements.

We were to meet again in February to complete the advanced training and prepare for our 100+ hour practical experience at home with family and friends. In May after three delays, the small class was back together at last. (One of those delays occurred after I had already been on the road for a full day and traveled half the distance. Terribly disappointed, I turned around and came home again to wait for the new news on the class date.) Back home again in mid-May, advanced training behind me, and ready to get the rest done, I set a goal to complete all the practical work and have my school certification in August 15th. VOILA!! TASK COMPLETED!!

With MY school certificate in hand I applied for registration with the state. What a totally disheartening shock to learn the state was unwilling to accept my education because of a "technicality" in the law. Today it's 2.5 months later, and that has equaled many, many $$ spent, lots of red tape and hoops, more out-of-town travel and lots of time. I am relieved to say that my registration has finally been activated by the State of Tennessee.

The scenario above is certainly the micro-mini version of the story, but it does speak volumes to all of the emotions I am experiencing today. I am excited that I have persevered rather than throwing the whole thing out for the birds to eat. I rejoice that God has been faithful in meeting the needs -- and they were significant -- to see this through to completion. While a giant leap of faith for me as I meandered the trail, I believe it is only the beginning of a marvelous plan God has in mind. He has allowed me a few tiny glimpses of the big picture. My vision is growing. It will be exciting to share more as the pages of the map unfold.

"There's more to come: We continue to shout our praise even when we're hemmed in with troubles, because we know how troubles can develop passionate patience in us, and how that patience in turn forges the tempered steel of virtue, keeping us alert for whatever God will do next. In alert expectancy such as this, we're never left feeling shortchanged. Quite the contrary—we can't round up enough containers to hold everything God generously pours into our lives through the Holy Spirit!" Romans 5:3-5 (The Message)


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