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Showing posts from September 6, 2010

Indian Head Massage

This treatment is based on ancient Ayurvedic techniques involving work on the upper back, shoulders, upper arms, neck, scalp, hair (it is still suitable for those with thinning hair or bald heads) & face. A variety of massage movements are used to relieve accumulated tension, stimulate circulation and restore joint movement & completely give our heads a well deserved rest. It is a wonderfully relaxing therapy & helps balance natural energies & clear any localised areas of negativity. Book an Indian Head Massage Session with Loretta at Nurture Therapies on 087-1267 427

Holistic Massage

This massage is based on Swedish Massage techniques manipulating the soft tissues & muscles of the body. This system was developed by a physiologist who found it helped physical conditions & improvements in health. This encourages cell renewal, better skin tone, cellulite reduction, lymphatic drainage & detoxification. It eases out tired & stressed minds & bodies. The power of touch is one of the most ancient healing methods & this treatment soothes, relaxes & leaves the client in a state of pure bliss. Book a Holistic Massage session with Loretta at Nurture Therapies on 087-1267 427


Aromatherapy is the use of concentrated aromatic liquids known as 'essential oils'. These plant oils are found in flowers, leaves, berries, herbs, roots, grasses, twigs & bark. These blends can be used in a variety of ways for examples in soothing massage, inhalations, compresses, baths, at home, in the office, the list is endless. Our sense of smell through the various aromas can invoke great emotions & clearing for the body. Essential oils of aromatic plants have been used for thousands of years for their healing, preserving, cleansing & mood-enhancing qualities. Book an Aromatherapy session with Loretta at Nurture Therapies on 087-1267427


Reflexology is used to activate the healing powers of the body by pressing on reflex areas on the feet, hands or ears. It is mainly a process of treating points & areas on the feet that relate to corresponding parts of the body, mind and spirit. The soles of the feet reflect the whole body. The soles of the feet reflect the whole body, the organs, the skeletal, nervous, circulatory, endocrine & lymphatic systems. It can enhance fertility & also helps mothers during pregnancy (after first trimester) to be comfortable in all aspects. It can help with nausea, gestational diabetes, reduces swelling in hands, feet & ankles. Reflexology has been found to ease common symptoms of pregnancy and facilitate the smooth progress of labour. It is deeply soothing and encourages the body to naturally heal itself & eliminate toxins and negativity. Reflexology is great for reducing stress, soothing emotions increasing energy levels, inducing relaxation & bringing the body back in


Reiki is a healing practice used to promote balance & energy throughout the whole system. Reiki does not involve physical manipulation or the ingestion or application of any substances, but works with the subtle vibrational field known to surround the body. Hands are held over and on the body in various energy centres known as chakra's & replenish these areas on many levels with clearing positive healing energy. If can help relieve depression, illness, addictions, stress & promotes balance & a deep feeling of peace & calmness. Reiki is also a tool for personal growth. A Reiki practitioner has been attuned to the healing energy field that surrounds us in the Universe. They are a channel for this healing energy to enter the client's body and increase the flow of positive energy. This stimulates and activates their energy system and through these gentle non-intrusive techniques the healing begins. Reiki can be given seated or on a plinth where the client l